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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Brock’s POV

I knew the boy would be irritated. But I couldn’t help it. He should have shown up to watch her himself. I was looking forward to this last part of the tournament. I had a feeling something was going to be different. The Alpha had told me, all that had gone on since I witnessed her rejection and the slaps from her sister this morning. 2

It breaks my heart at all her family has put that pup through. I was grateful I was made her trainer. If I could do anything for this pup I could give her the skill she would need to get free of her family.

Over the last year it became almost a physical image, the chains binding her, holding her back. My father called what I could see a trainers

intuition, we were able to see a fighters potential and bring it out of them.

With Alora all I had been able to do is make her stronger than any other wolf in her school, despite the impairment. But when I looked at her moments ago the chains were gone. Her strength glowing, rising from her like a spiritual fire.

That’s when I had sought out my Alpha, to see if he new what happened. Something had happened while on the lunch break, and now, she was freed from her family. That’s what must have broken the chains. This means we’re going to be blessed with a sight we haven’t seen since the last female Heartsong Alpha, a Lunar Princess.

There was a picture of the last one in one of the many journals my family kept. Centuries of training and it’s

improvements were in those journals, and my family line had been blessed with training every female Heartsong Alpha since the first one.

That’s when, according to my father, and the journals, we were blessed with our second sight. The one that’s allowed me to see the binding on Alora’s strength. It was what has allowed our family to be the best trainers around the world, that and our dedication. We have all, at some point in our lives, in every generation, spent five to ten years traveling. Learning other Packs techniques. Learning how not to just fight other wolves but the ‘Others’ of our world. We always brought back more books and information. Books brought back in there countries original languages were paired with their translation.

It was a great honor to be Alora’s trainer and hanafill.. 

trainer, and hopefully she’ll allow me to train any pups she may have. I had a feeling the wolf she’s matched with next will be powerful. Maybe it’ll be that irritating brat of the Alpha’s that I watched come into his own as he grew. Now he was at that Alpha’s University with his Beta. 4

They’ll be home in three weeks, it’ll be good to see how much they have grown, I taught those boy’s everything I could before they went off. And from what I’ve been told, they will graduate first Rank. It’s only fitting for the Alpha of Alpha’s.

I smile to myself. Maybe I should have those two battle Alora, see how they hold up against her. I’m sure I could find a way to set that up. I bet she’ll be able to hold her own against them. She had that much strength, that little abused pup I first met has grown, she was now an Alpha Female.


Alora’s POV

It was time for my first fight this round, Xena was excited. We would show everyone how strong we are. I know my parents and Sarah would be watching. I was out of their reach now. This would prove it. Jamison was my first opponent.

I walk down to the platform and take my place. I strip down to nothing, before transforming. Werewolves didn’t care about nudity normally, why would they, we all had to transform, couldn’t do that in clothes.

I hear gasps and murmurs after my transformation. My wolf and I were tall and powerful in this form as well, much bigger than Jamison. The Celtic bands around my wrists, ankles and on my colar bones, visible on our half form. The stars appeared in our fur, the crown across our forehead. 3

No one had seemed to see the markings on my skin at the restaurant. They had all been to focused on me collapsing, and then we had all been to hungry for anything but chowing down once the food had arrived.


Xena and I grew to be nine feet and four inches, the black of my hair transferring to this form. Like Jamison and Seth half for the fur that was our ‘hair’ was in the same place on Xena and mine’s half form, only our ‘hair’ was two feet in length. Draping back in a water fall of fur, my ears, are all white, parting some of the fur. Our ‘hair’ was the only black fur in this form.


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