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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 239

: Serenity

Serenity sat in her assigned seat and reflected on all that had happened since she first woke up this morning. The events of the day flashed through her mind like a movie. Starting from the moment she woke to her radio alarm clock blaring ‘When Legends Rise’ by Godsmack. Jerking awake she had sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes like any other


However, it was as she stumbled towards her own private bathroom in her satin spring. green boy-shorts and spaghetti strap top night set, that she remembered this morning was not just another morning. The realization had jolted the sleepiness right out of her. Her hair was a wild mess that flew around as she ran the rest of the way into her bathroom.

As soon as she remembered today was the first day of school after her eighteenth birthday, she was in a panic to shower and dress in something attractive. After her shower and with one towel wrapped around her torso, and another on her hair, she rushed into her walk-in closet to choose what to wear that day. Searching through her nicest clothes, Serenity had remembered that today was also the first part of their final exams.

They would be taking the fight training final today, which meant Serenity had to have an outfit that was not only attractive, but functional in a fight. That was when she finally settled on the shorts, tank top, and sandals she currently wore. Her hair went into the high ponytail instead of the artfully messy bun she had originally thought to put in. Her jewelry had been chosen with shifting in mind.

Serenity debated wearing perfume, then decided against it. While she did like some, she rarely wore them. Like most Werewolves, her sense of smell was sensitive, and most. perfumes bothered them. There were very few perfumes Serenity could tolerate, and she had the few she could. Today she was okay with just smelling like her body wash, deodorant, and hair care products.

It was as she was starting to leave for school by herself in her own vehicle that she ran into problems. Her brothers usually only rode with her during the Halloween season, and that was to prevent her from pranking them with something gruesome again. Today they insisted because again, it was the first day of school after she turned eighteen.

Her brothers planned to stay glued to her side all day so they could grill whoever might be her fated mate. That was if he were even someone at their school, there was a chance her fated mate would not be. Serenity had blushed when she kept thinking about who she had been hoping was her fated mate. Serenity had a crush on Darien Moonstar since she first laid eyes on him.


Serenity had told herself so many times over the years that there was a difference between a dream and reality. Still, she had continued to crush on Darien despite all those lectures to herself. At first Serenity had balked at her brothers being with her for this, worried they would chase off whomever her fated mate was supposed to be.

Then she decided that any fated mate of hers that could be chased off by her brothers, was not the mate for her. Thank the Goddess that when she got to school, her hopeful crush turned out to be her reality, instead of an unfulfilled dream. Darien Moonstar was her fated mate, and he accepted her with open arms and obvious delight.

With Darien as her fated mate, she was offered a kinship with a female she had wanted to reach out and befriend for years now. The joy of finding her mate and finding out it was the wolf she had always wanted to be hers, had been overshadowed by a tragic moment. Not her tragic moment, but her new sister’s tragic moment. Alora had been rejected by her fated. mate as she was being accepted by hers.

It had been so heartbreaking watching that happen to her. Then Alora was attacked by her own blood related sister. Serenity had disliked Sarah immensely before, but now, she truly hated the bitch. She wanted to punch Sarah in the face again, and revel in the feel of her bones breaking against her fist. Serenity thought she just might be a little bloodthirsty when. it came to her sense of justice.

Not being able to stand the injustice of it all, she had challenged Matthew Stonemaker. Matthew had seemed surprised that he had been challenged by her, but there had also been a look of understanding in his eyes. That look had piqued her curiosity, but not enough to deter her from teaching Matthew painfully just how powerful her fists were.

Matthew had been unprepared for the hits she had delivered to his face and ribs. Powerful blows meant to pulverize giant boulders, had his ribs, jaw, and cheek bones breaking under her fists. When Matt was nothing more than an unconscious and bloody mess on the fighter’s platform, the ref had called the match.

Serenity had heard Sarah screeching at her during the entire match. She had been unable to resist, giving Sarah a glare that held a promise of a beating for her as well. Sarah had cowered back, and a hand went quickly to one cheek. It was the cheek she had hit that last

time Sarah had crossed her line.



Then so much more happened during their lunch break, besides just a meal. Alpha Andrew and Luna Ember had greeted her as their son’s fated mate and not as another the Pack. Then the Dragon Master had arrived, Serenity still could not get over that. Getting to witness Alora receive everything her grandfather had left for her, had elated Serenity.



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