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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 240

Next up!…”*

Darien whooped, hollered, and roared his excitement over his mate’s defeat of one of his fellow Alpha Class fighters. Alora, caught up in his excitement as well as her own, was standing and clapping with him. What Alora had not expected was for Darien to suddenly grab her by her shoulders and shake her as he proudly claimed, “That’s my mate!”, over and

over again.

It took several moments for Darien to calm down enough for him to let go of Alora, who was not enjoying him handling her in such a way. Alora had been seconds away from grabbing his hands and forcibly removing them from her. While she was usually comfortable with Darien touching her, grabbing, and shaking her like that was another thing.

Given the situation however, and the fact that he let her go before she had to say or do anything. Alora decided to let it go. Darien deserved his excitement, his mate did win her match, and he was all too happy to roar his claim of her for everyone to hear. Alora smiled, feeling happy for her claimed brother.

Alora also felt Selena and Xena’s combined happiness for Darien as well. Darien didn’t

start to quiet down till the announcer called the next match.

“Next up we have Kain Mountainmover against Jamison Blackfire!”

Darien sat down finally, he was surprised that Kain had challenged Jamison at first. After a moment of thought, Darien smacked himself in the forehead. Of course, Kain would challenge an Alpha Class fighter, Galen had most likely issued a challenge as well. Where Serenity went, her brothers were sure to follow behind her.

Alora had assumed from the moment of Serenity’s fight her brothers would follow shortly after her. The bond between the twins and Serenity was clear and solid. All three were powerful fighters, but her instincts told her that Serenity held more power than both her brothers did. Even so, Alora felt both Kain and Galen were still incredibly strong in their own right.

The fight between Jamison and Kain lasted three and a half minutes. Ending when Kain


delivered a loud and powerful punch to Jamison’s ribs. The sound of at least two ribs. breaking could be heard by all those in the stadium. Jamison flew back off the fighter’s. platform, landing on his back, sliding a short distance across the arena’s dirt floor.

“Winner of this match is Kain Mountainmover!” Yelled the announcer.

The medics rushed to the field to check Jamison. Broken ribs, even for the incredibly fast healing, were no joke. One wrong move and you had a collapsed lung and were coughing up blood. Worse still, was if your heart was punctured by a broken rib. The medics would assess how badly broken Jamison’s ribs were. Then they would tape them until they healed.

The healing time of broken bones could take thirty minutes to two or four hours, depending on how powerful the werewolf was. Jamison, being an Alpha Class fighter, spoke of how much power he had. Alora estimated Jamison would heal in the next thirty minutes,

an hour at most.

Darien was cringing as he looked at Jamison, he remembered well the pain of broken ribs. Training as an Alpha Class fighter could be brutal at times. Alora had busted his ribs more. than once over the years of training together. Darien had also suffered a punctured and collapsed lung from one of those breaks.

It had not been a very pleasant experience for Darien and had given him a healthy respect for the severity of broken ribs. Darien still could not forget the horrified devastation on Alora’s face as he coughed and choked on his own blood. It took Darien two weeks to get Alora to stop apologizing for it every three minutes they were around each other.

Jamison was taped up and sent up to his seat. As soon as he was out of the arena, the announcer called the next fight. “Next up, we have Galen Mountainmover against Lexus


Lexus met Jamison in the aisle. “Are you going to be okay?” Lexus asked Jamison.

Jamison looked at Lexus, and for some reason felt warmth start to spread inside him. He liked that Lexus had asked after him. Ignoring his reaction, Jamison said, “I’ll be fine, just need to sit and not move too much for the next thirty minutes.”


Lexus nodded, “That’s good.” He said, then headed down into the arena for his match.

Lexus did not fare much better against Galen than Jamison did against Kain. Although, their battle lasted nearly the entire five minutes. With thirty seconds to spare, Galen delivered a combo of punches that knocked Lexus out of the ring. Unlike Jamison, Lexus managed to get through the fight without getting any of his bones broken.

The next fight was another surprise for both Alora and Darien. Matthew Stonemaker had issued a challenge to Garrett Shadowtail. Garrett grumbled at being called up again so soon, luckily for him, he was mostly recovered from his match with Serenity. The match lasted the

entire allotted five minutes, ending in a draw and Matthew being allowed to advance.


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