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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Bettina’s POV

That little bitch! How could this happen! I had made sure her powers were bound, she wasn’t even supposed to have received her wolf. But the little bitch did! No! It’s not fair, the Moon Goddess wanted to have me punished for not mating with my destined and gave the power the family has been waiting for to this brown skinned abomination from my womb.

No! I’ll have to contact Rebecca, I want to know how the spell was broken. 2

Sarah’s POV

What is this!

Why does she look like that!

Why is everyone calling her a Lunar Princess!

She’s not, she’s not worthy of it!

She’s the blight of the family, the mistake!

Why, this isn’t fair!

Mom always said I was the special one!

I was the Princess!

Not her!

Not that slut, that whore the filthy cunt!

I hate her, I hate her!

I’ll destroy her!

Just you wait Alora, I’ll have you begging for mercy that will never come!

You will pay for this!

Alora’s POV

Darien’s third match took all of five minutes. Being much more powerful then Lexus. My third match was against Jaxon, and his wolf, who was all red, the ‘hair’ being darker and much longer than the rest of his fur. He, like me, was nine foot four in his half form. He was big and broad, and I had to admit to myself…. a little sexy. ?

If I wanted to, I could have probably gotten myself laid, but I had wanted to wait for my mate. I still do, I may have been rejected by the first, but I might have a second out there. Maybe in a year or two I’ll think about sleeping with a wolf not my mate. But not now. It was to soon anyway. I was still hurting from my rejection.

Jaxon and Bruno’s gold eyes rimmed


“I didn’t think I was that funny.” I told him. Another chuckle escapes. “It’s just that.” he chuckles again. “of all the things for a werewolf to be afraid of.” There was more laughter before he tries to sober up again. I look at him for a moment, he’s on the outside of the seat in the bleachers,


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