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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 8

Alora’s POV

It was Darien who answered. “Yeah, they’ve been abusing her since she was a young pup, my brother and father found her half drowned and covered in mud and blood at the river once when she was still little. Sarah was jealous of a dress she wore to a Pack picnic, and the praise she was getting wearing it, so her and her posse ganged up on her, beat her, then tossed her into the river.”

Serenity gasps in horror, the twins looked angrily over at where Sarah, Matt and her posse had been. They had already slunk off. I knew what was going to happen next. She was going to cry home to mommy and daddy about how I had mistreated her, and she was going to report the boys to the principal.

I looked at the building in time to see my training master nod and head in. I knew he had seen everything, and he would report it to the Principal, who would then talk to the Alpha. By reporting to the Alpha my parents wouldn’t be able to do anything to Galen and Kian. They would thankfully be out of their reach.

“Oh my.” at that comment, I look at Serenity, she’s looking at my face, it must be healing faster than I thought. “The marks are almost completely gone, it’s like I can watch them fade.” she blushes before looking down. “Sorry, I shouldn’t stare, your healing is amazing.” she peaks back up at me after.

I smile a little, she is just so adorable. I look at Darien and see a completely smitten look on his face, this she-wolf is going to have him wrapped around her finger. I look back to her and say “It’s all right, my healing has accelerated as I’ve gotten older, my theory is it’s my body’s response to all the wounds they’ve dealt me.”

I look back up at Darien as tears gather in Serenity’s eyes, I’m confused for a moment “I’m used to your comments, and I’m more desensitized to your story, this is all fresh for her, give her a bit to catch her bearings.” he explains.

I look at Galen and Kian they’re looking at each other anger and pain in their eyes. It takes me a moment to realize they feel pain for me. For the things done to me. “I think it’s time I put Sarah in her place, I’m not going to allow them to touch me anymore.” I say.

I feel the conviction fill me, put steel into my spine, my head held high. “They’ll never fuck with me again.”

“So how do we start this then?” Darien asks with a look of anticipation on his face.

“We’ve got the training exams today, they will take place in the bigger training arena, the top fighters to come from each class will be going up against each other. They basically have this set up in a tournament, because this will determine your first placement among the fighters in the pack.” I remind him.

“I don’t plan on holding back, she’s going to see just how skilled I am, and I hope I’ll get the opportunity to beat her ass soon.” I say, then Darien laughs darkly at my word while Serenity, Galen and Kian looked at us confused.

“Just wait and watch, this is going to be amazing.” Darien tells them.

We all head to the arena, today all of the impending graduates will be there. Today she would learn, today they would all learn. First up were the lesser skilled wolves, they would be put in the reserves. Then there would be the moderate skilled wolves, they would be scouts, they were usually faster than they were strong, these wolves tended to be slim and sleek.

Then there was the enforcer class, usually big wolves, they had a lot of strength. You then get to the Elite class fighters, Beta’s and those going to be the alpha’s elite soldiers went into this class, Matthew was in this class.

Darian had passed into the final class, The Alpha fighter class, very few wolves without alpha blood made it into this class, It just so happened to be the one I’m in and I was the top student. Darian the second.


I see Bettina pull out her cell phone, she types furiously for a moment, then looks at Allister, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I look at the message YOU BETTER BE HERE YOU WRETCH!!! DO NOT EMBARRASS US OR YOUR SISTER!!! so typical. I show Darien the text, he snorts “Typical.” making me laugh because he read my mind.

I type them back I am here, I’m in my assigned seat I send my reply, I look up, Allister is going through the fighters again, I see Bettina read the text and she snarls at her phone, causing Allister to look at her for a moment before he starts looking again.

THEN WHY ARE YOU NOT SITTING WITH THE RESERVE FIGHTERS, I SWEAR IF YOU EMBARRASS YOUR SISTER OR RUIN OUR GOOD NAME TODAY YOU WILL REGRET IT WHEN YOU GET BACK TO THE HOUSE YOU DIRTY WRETCH!!! I snort at her comment of their so called “good name.” While she was texting me Allister had pulled out the booklet every parent was given on the way in with the fighters listed by class.


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