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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 9



Arora‘s POV 

I decided to ignore my mothers last message, and focused on this exam. The moderate class was up next, it was almost as big as the reserve class, but the fights went quickly, these wolves were built for scouting more than fighting, but were good enough to be kept out of the reserves. 

Then came the Elite class. When it came to the final bracket, Serenity had already placed third having kicked Matthews ass, that was a sweet match to watch. Galen and Kian were so evenly match that they finally called a tie after thirty minutes of them fighting. 

As they were cleaning up the arena floor for our class Darien leans over. “You know, it‘s actually good that you didn‘t take Matt as your mate.” 

I‘m confused so naturally I ask, “Why?” 

He looks over at Matt in the medical tent, Serenity had caved in his face during their fight “Because he‘s weak as fuck” 

I laugh, it‘s the first time since being rejected that I felt that I was indeed fortunate. “I hope your mate doesn‘t hate me for what I‘m about to 



With each of our names read, a full body picture was shown of us in our human form, and next to it, was one of our wolves. Darien‘s showed him posed leaning onto a wall with his left elbow, hand and fingers combing the longer top part of his hair back, showing the shaved sides, his face tilted up, his almond shaped, amber colored, cinnamon rimmed eyes, sparkling with mischief. 

A devilish grin showing white teeth, his other hand on his hip. His wolf was large, a black wolf with gray frosting the tips of his fur, he was posed sitting and had a large toothy grin on his muzzle. 

My picture showed me in my favorite fighters pose, my arms up, head down, my violet eyes glittering, a smirk on my mouth. I was wearing a purple sports bra and short black sport shorts, showing off my tan skin and fit muscular body, with all my dips and curyes, I had to admit I looked really good in that picture. 

My wolf was in an attack pose, a snarl showing all her long sharp teeth, her white fur glowing, black edging the tips of her ears, the black crescent moon and star marking on her hip, the tip of her tail dipped in black. My wolf looked beautiful and fierce. This was the picture Darien had tricked me into taking, saying “What could it hurt?” 

For the first time I felt pride in being on display, making me glad Darien had me take it. I looked strong, and despite what my parents and sister say, I know I‘m beautiful, and my wolf was absolutely gorgeous. I could feel Xena preening on the inside, felt her own pride at how her image showcased her as fierce on screen. 

Next to me Darien said. “Maaaaan does she look pissed, bet your parents are too, yep...yep they are too.” I looked to where Sarah is sitting and her and the rest of her posse have jealous fury on their faces. I then look up to where my parents are and they‘re glaring at my picture, if looks alone could set shit on fire, that billboard would be toast. 

The screen switched to display all of us from first rank, from me, to the lowest rank. I hoped my parents were watching their status among the Northmountain‘s diminish and lower with each moment they realize they could have used me to be number one. But now that I changed 

my name it was Sarah‘s lack of success that is going to bring them down. 

“Pissed is going to be an understatement. These fights also determine the future placement in the Northmountain‘s clan‘s structure. Because I changed my name, Mason‘s family will now be top ranked among the Northmountain‘s, my parents have just been knocked down to the bottom.” he looks at me with shocked eyes. “Oh shit.” he says, the smile he gets as he figures it out is wide. “Now you are getting why I changed my name before the exams.” I say. 

The first match is Garrett and Mason, Mason came out on top, the next match is Jamison and Jaxon, Jaxon coming out on top. Then it was Lexus and Darien, Darien came out on top. Because I was a top student I wasn‘t in the first rounds. 



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