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What Separates Me and You novel Chapter 317

Josephine bewilderedly cradled Lewis' body as she sobbed heart-wrenchingly. She had no clue what to do as they were surrounded by the vast ocean on all sides. Moreover, the yacht had already sailed far away toward its unknown destination, and the cruise ship from earlier had already vanished into the darkness. The strong sea breeze nipped at her face as she stared at the endless stretch of water before her. All she could see were the large waves lighted by the moonlight.

Seth, who was currently still on the cruise ship, was locked in a fight with Draco when an explosion occurred, causing chaos aboard. Draco and Faust thought Seth was the culprit behind the blast and were chasing after him relentlessly to bring him back to answer for what he had done, to the point where they weren't concerned with escaping the sinking ship.

Seth ducked and weaved around the cruise ship as it gradually tilted as it sank. Many of its passengers had already gathered on the top deck seeking to be rescued. Most of the lifeboats had been blown up as well. Isolated in the middle of the ocean and cut off from help, they were as good as dead, which was exactly the outcome that Kiran wanted. It would be pointless for him to blow up the cruise ship if the people onboard could escape, so he targeted the lifeboats first.

Faust began to feel anxious once the cruise ship was two-thirds sunk. "Fuck!"

Right now, the top deck was the only portion of the ship visible above the waterline, and practically everyone had gathered there, including Seth. His forehead creased as he stared out at the sea. The cruise ship had already sailed quite a distance, so it wasn't possible for the yacht to follow after it. Moreover, even if it did, it didn't have enough fuel for the return trip home.

Amidst the throng, Faust swiftly spotted Seth and purposefully strode towards him. However, it was Seth who had taken the initiative to approach Faust first.

"You little shit! I kindly let you all onboard, and you dare to commit a crime?" Faust had his gun raised and held firmly against Seth's forehead.

Seth raised both hands in the air in surrender and chuckled, completely unperturbed. "I wouldn't still be onboard if I really was the culprit behind this, Faust."

Taken aback, Faust couldn't help feeling that Seth had a point.

Draco, who had rushed over, aggressively grabbed Seth by his shirt collar. "Who's the culprit then if it wasn't you?"

Glancing towards Draco, Seth had his signature smirk on his face as he asked, "I should be the one asking you that, Draky."

Seth said "Draky" with so much irony that it made Draco recall something. "Impossible! I've known him for years! He wouldn't do such a thing!"

"Then, where is he?" Seth questioned with a smile.

Draco didn't know how to answer.

"Don't tell me you actually believe he'll give you a billion dollars?" Seth continued, twisting the knife that he had plunged into Draco's heart.

"What billion dollars?" Faust turned to Draco and questioned.

Draco flushed. Given that the cat was out of the bag, there was no point in him hiding it any longer. "Kiran told me he would pay me a billion dollars if I killed Lewis," he said with a gloomy face.

"Why you little—" Faust was dumbfounded.

A billion dollars was no small amount, and who could say that they wouldn't have succumbed to the same temptation as Draco if presented with such an offer?

"Looking at the current sequence of events, even if you did manage to kill Lewis, he would still sink this ship when the timing was right," said Seth.


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