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When Perfect Meets Crazy novel Chapter 37

I found Olly half an hour after we arrived. She wasn’t replying any of my texts so Ian and I ended up wandering around, half-assedly searching for her until he got embroiled in a game of beer pong. Typical.

He won. Even more typical.

Anyway, we eventually ran into her on the way to the kitchen to get a fresh can of beer.

“You came!” She beamed.

“You called in a sister favor. I had to,” I said flatly.

“He’s so going to owe me for this.”

Her grin was full of mischief.  A part of me almost felt bad for whoever she made a deal with.

“So you did this for someone?” I asked. “I’m glad our sister favors have a price.”

“Plee-ease.” She rolled her eyes, waving my accusation away. “You’d have done the same.”

“I would gotten a better deal,” I objected.

“Oh please,” she called over her shoulder, leading us to the basement. “If things work out, he’s going to owe me at least twenty favors in return. Tough ones.”

“Huh.” Surprise colored my features. “You are shaping up to be quite despicable. Bargaining on me like I’m meat.”

“Thank you.” She beamed with all the innocence of a saint.

In my peripheral vision, I noticed Ian’s head rear back, surprise coating his face. I turned to him, a questioning look on mine.

“I heard an insult,” he said. “That was an insult but she thanked you? Is everyone in your family abnormal?”

Olly shook her head, shooting me a look that translated to: where did you find him?

“What she really meant,” she translated, sporting an amused look, “is that I’m shaping up to be the best business woman the world has ever seen.”

“Yeah, I don’t think that’s...” He trailed off, shaking his head.

“That’s want I meant,” I informed him. “My way involves lots of insults, remember?”

I threw a wink over my shoulder, then followed Olly down the stairs.


I heard him give up behind me, then follow us down. I was sporting a smirk and even though I couldn’t see her face, I was sure Olly was sporting one as well.

“Hey.” I flashed Trevor a smile as our trio settled down.

He was the only familiar face in the basement.

“We’re playing truth or dare,” Olly said brightly, making me wonder just how many drinks she’d had. “Join us.”

My eyes narrowed in suspicion. As far I knew she hated truth or dare and yet, here she was, nappily asking us to join. She hadn’t seemed drunk in the kitchen. Not even tipsy. That left only one option.

“What’s in it for you?” I questioned.

“You join and I get to sit out. That’s why I went upstairs. To find someone to take my place.” Then, she leaned into me and whispered, a light shudder running down her back, “That guy has being giving me looks.”

My gaze hardened as I looked the guy over. He was brawny, pierced, and, at the moment, leering at both of us in a way that made my skin crawl. Something about him just screamed predator.

It was my turn to shudder.

The words ‘no way in hell’ flashed through my head in neon. Unfortunately, if he was making fearless bluffer extraordinaire Olly shudder then as her older sister, I had no choice but to take his attention off her and fix it on someone else.

Unfortunately ‘someone else’ was also me.

“We’ll play.” I forced a smile.

“Great.” A girl with long pretty dreads smiled before taking a swig of her beer.

She briskly rose to her feet, lifted her top up, flashing all nine of us in the basement her scarlet bra, then pulled her top back down. It all took only a few seconds. By the time I blinked, she was already sitting down, her top back in its rightful position but I hadn’t been expecting it at all. It was like suddenly being thrown into the heat of things so it took me a little longer than everyone else to get past it.

The two other guys in the circle did some catcalling and wolf whistling. The girl tried her best to not show how uncomfortable it made her but I could tell and I was sure Olly and the other two girls could tell too. The blonde sitting close to her shot her an encouraging smile and a covert thumbs up.

My gaze drifted to Olly who flashed me a look that could only be described as you see why I hate this game?

“Okay, Mandy’s turn,” The girl on dreadlocks announced, shifting the attention to her blonde friend. “I dare you to kiss Jack.”

Clearly, they hadn’t planned this beforehand because the blonde who had smiled guileless, taking a sip of her drink when her friend announced her name was now choking.

Between coughs, she managed to spit out an aggrieved, “What?”

“You heard me,” Dreadlocks replied, glancing between her friend and the guy next to her friend.

I assumed that was Jack.


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