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When Perfect Meets Crazy novel Chapter 44

Ian wasn’t sure why he stayed away. No, scratch that. He knew exactly why he stayed away. He just wasn’t ready to accept it. For heaven’s sake, she wasn’t his type.

Not even remotely.

She was average height, overly opinionated and condescending. She wasn’t nice, sunny or voluptuous. She was curvy, sure but he liked curvier. He favored vibrant blue eyes that brought to mind images of sparkling oceans. Her dark molten pools were nothing close yet seeing them light up and twinkle on occasion when she found something truly funny or when she was goading him to his wit’s end made something in his chest cavity unfurl. It was like a present she was bestowing on the world.


Shit, shit, shit.

Fucking shit.

She hardly even smiled. She wasn’t his type at all. He liked nice girls who smiled loads. She was nowhere close to his type so how the fuck did he manage to fall for her and not even realize it until she found another guy?

Until he pushed her to one. How the actual fuck did that happen?

It was her heated comment about him blowing hot and cold on Trevor that started the soul searching that led to the realization that he liked her. A lot.

Up until that Sunday when he broke up with Tammy, he’d believed they were nothing more than friends.

Heck, they were barely even friends.

He didn’t see it coming at all. After the night when she was loopy on meds passed, they fell back into their normal rhythm. So he wrote that night off as a one-off thing but now, everything was falling apart. The mission wasn’t heading anywhere. Townsend was angry all the time. His time off from school was coming to an end in a month or so and there was still no breakthrough in the case. And now to top all that off, he’d gone and stupidly fallen for a girl who didn’t have the slightest inclination to return his feelings.

And the award for biggest idiot ever goes to me, he thought bitterly.

He heaved a sigh and hefted himself over her window.

He had stayed away for a full week. It was time he faced her again. Avoiding her hadn’t helped one bit so hopefully, this would.

It had to. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could stand having her cloud his thoughts. It really had to stop before Townsend figured it out. He wasn’t sure what the agent would do but he didn’t trust him with her one bit. Not since the time she complained about feeling stalked by a psychopath.

Heaving another sigh, he collapsed onto her bed, waiting for her return. He was sure she was home. Her car was in the driveway. She was probably taking her bath. She did that a lot.

He’d wait.

Less than ten minutes later, his waiting was rewarded.

She entered the room, wearing a pair of shorts he had never seen her in. He was willing to bet she only wore it because she thought he wasn’t going to show. She liked to act all tough but she really was just a cautious innocent girl. He had noticed how she never so much as wore revealing clothes whenever he was in her room.

She was always in sweats. Her tough brash girl act was just that, an act.

He watched, heart beating just a little harder as her gaze honed in on him, turning hard, predatory even.

“You.” She snarled, lips curling to reveal a vicious expression that had him wondering if he should bolt.

As though she knew what he was thinking, she hissed, “Don’t even think about it.”

He swallowed.

He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was in deep trouble even though he had done nothing wrong.

Forcing cheer he didn’t feel into his voice, he said, “Hi.”

“You’re going to die.” Her voice was quiet, calm. Almost deadly.

It was all he could do to suppress a shudder. He knew what she was capable off. His intuition warned him to tread very carefully.

“But first, you’ll explain.”

He nodded, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed.

He’d never been this terrified of a person. The girl in front of him rivalled his father in underhanded tricks and unlike his father, she was under no familial obligation to protect him.

Also, she knew enough about him to deal a lethal blow.

“Do you have any idea,” the eyes he liked so much came alive, glowing with anger directed at him, “what you put me through? Do you?”

He took a step back, subconsciously putting his hands up in surrender.

What had she gone through while he was away? Did they trace him to her?

His heart pounded, unsure whether the fear choking him was for her safety or his.

“Nothing can save you.” A dark chuckle escaped her small mouth. It wasn’t like her other laughs. Those ones that usually sounded carefree, almost surprised by itself. This one sounded very mafia-like, very deadly.

“I was so worried about you. I thought you got caught. That you were dead. Or worse. I have a very active imagination.” She stopped moving when she was a foot away.

A distant part of his mind wondered what she’d do next. Tammy liked to get up in his face and scream whenever they got in fights. She’d poked his chest too. Sometimes cry.

He didn’t like that option. He simply couldn't picture her tearing up nor did he want to.

“Sorry.” He found himself shivering under the full force of her icy gaze. 

“Sorry isn’t going to cut it,” she spat, baring her all too straight teeth.

“I really am. I didn’t think--” he tried again.

Chapter 44: 42.5 - He was in deep trouble (Bonus) 1


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