Insiders were whispering among themselves. "Did you see that red diamond ring on her finger? Yep, she's engaged to Mr. Nine."
Some folks hadn't caught the news yet. "Who's the lucky girl from?"
"She's the adopted daughter of the Johnson family."
"Oh, isn't that the family that took in Mr. Nine too?"
"Exactly. They've known each other since they were kids, childhood sweethearts."
"Isn't that sweet?"
"And that little girl Mr. Nine's holding?"
"That's his daughter."
"I heard Mr. Nine and Sherilyn have had quite the rollercoaster. They got married, split up, and now they're back together again."
"Do tell more!"
Caroline hovered on the fringes of the gathering, listening in on the gossip. She tightened her grip on the wine glass she was holding, eyes fixed on Sherilyn, who was all smiles across the room. She tipped her head back and drained her drink in one go.
Around ten o'clock, Katy decided it was time to call it a night. Naturally, Naylor accompanied her, and they made an early exit.
Their objective for the evening had been met. The rest was left up to their son and future daughter-in-law.
After they left, the party continued.
It wasn't until around midnight that the guests started to trickle out.
"Feeling tired?" Gilbert asked, gently massaging Sherilyn's lower back. "Why don't you head home? I'll wrap things up here."
"Alright," Sherilyn agreed without protest.
She'd been on her feet since morning in that evening gown and heels, definitely more taxing than his night.
"I'm off then..."
Meanwhile, the South Building received an unexpected visitor.
Caroline, accompanied by her caregiver, entered through the door.
The readers' comments on the novel: Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change?
Why always u omit last portion of every chapter in almost all the novels?? Its the main problem with this site.....