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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 1107

Caroline studied Sherilyn with a smug, challenging look.

"By the looks of it, Gilbert hasn’t mentioned a thing to you, has he? I wonder why that is?"

In this moment, Sherilyn found herself utterly cornered.

It was as if she were tied up, unable to defend herself from Caroline's verbal assault.

"Because, you see, he protects me," Caroline continued, her voice dripping with satisfaction. "Even though he knows what I’ve done, he can’t bring himself to do anything about it."

Her words were like whips, each one landing with a sharp sting on Sherilyn’s heart.

"You might have his presence," Caroline pressed on, her gaze unwavering, "but I’ll always have a place in his heart. You’ll never have all of him."

Sherilyn chuckled softly, a bitter smile playing on her lips. "Caroline, your selfishness is astounding... If you can’t have something, you’d rather destroy it."

Caroline’s words were true, but Sherilyn could see through her intentions. She was trying to drive a wedge between them.

"Exactly! That’s just who I am! You think you can be happy together? Think again!" Caroline admitted without hesitation, her chin lifted defiantly, her eyes glinting with a dangerous light.

"I want to make sure you carry this burden forever, Sherilyn. You’ll never be truly happy, ever!"

Her words delivered, Caroline took one last look at Sherilyn’s ashen face, satisfied that she had achieved her goal.

She turned away, wheeling herself out of the room.

Sherilyn stood rooted to the spot, eyes closed tightly, trying to regain her composure.

At the doorway, Caroline bumped into Gilbert as he returned.

"Caroline?" Gilbert blinked, eyebrows knitting in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"I just came to see Sherilyn," Caroline replied, her voice deceptively sweet. "I’m heading to Quinland this week, thought I’d drop off a little gift for you both."

Without further explanation, her caretaker arrived to assist her.

"Josie, let's go."

Chapter 1107 1


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