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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 161

Chapter 161 

Gilbert!Sherilyn stumbled, nearly losing her balance as Gilbert pulled her into his arms. What’s wrong with you?” 

The question was redundant. That close, Sherilyn could smell the scent of whiskey on Gilbert’s breath distinctly. Are you drunk?” 

Gilbert smiled. Ah, not drunk.” 

A drunk person never admitted they were drunk even if they could barely stand straight

That bottle of red wine at dinner? All him. Sherilyn hadn’t touched a drop. If he wasn’t drunk, who was

Sherilyn attempted to stabilize him by holding onto his arm. Can you walk?” 

Hmm.Gilbert nodded, leaning heavily against her without moving. With your help, yeah.” 

Sherilyn sighed. She couldn’t just push him away. He’d probably fall to the ground

Okay, I’ll help you, but take it slow.” 

Okay.Gilbert looked down at her, his gaze lingering on her curling eyelashes, like two delicate fans fluttering against his heart, tickling it

Gilbert?A familiar voice called from behind as they moved from the private booth to the lobby. Turning around, they saw Caroline

Caroline.With one arm draped over Sherilyn’s shoulder, Gilbert looked more like he was embracing her than being supported

What’s going on here?Caroline approached, confirming what she saw wasn’t 

a mistake

The surprise in her eyes was unmistakable, flitting between them. How were they together in such an intimate manner

Feeling Caroline’s gaze, Sherilyn immediately tried to distance herself from Gilbert

What are you doing?Feeling Sherilyn move, Gilbert frowned, displeased



Stop fidgeting! You’ll make me fall!” 

Sherilyn was stunned. Gilbert was drunk, leaning on her before Caroline. Wasn’t he worried about upsetting Caroline

Whatever, she had warned him. It wasn’t her fault if he got into a fight with Caroline later. Sherilyn turned her head away, deciding to stay out of it

Gilbert seemed pleased, giving Caroline a casual smile. We were just grabbing a bite. How about you?” 

ICaroline gestured toward the dining room. Crew gathering.” 

Her curiosity deepened. Were they in a place in their relationship where they could dine together

Caroline forced a smile. The director and producer are here. Want to say hi?” 

No, thanks.Gilbert chuckled, declining. I’ll stay out of your crew’s business.” 

Ohokay then.” Caroline’s smile faded slightly. Well” 

With a nod from Gilbert, he dismissed Caroline. You go ahead.” 


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