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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 162

Chapter 162 

On the left, she got nothing. She turned around and reached for the right. It was also empty

No way,” Sherilyn looked at the man towering over her

Her clear eyes reflected his handsome features

Ha,” Gilbert chuckled, whispering in her ear, Try the inside pocket.” 

The inside pocket

She knew suits had an inner pocket. But for her to reach inside? No way! Wouldn’t that be like she was touching him

Sherilyn hesitated, her eyebrows knotted in confusion. What should she do

Hurry up,Gilbert urged her, before people start thinking I’m trying to dine 

and dash.” 

With no other choice, Sherilyn made her move

Both hands ready, Gilbert raised an eyebrow, his Adam’s apple bobbing

The next second, she unbuckled his suit jacket and flipped the front open so she wouldn’t have to touch him. Reaching into the inner pocket, she retrieved the phone

Lifting her chin smugly, she showed Gilbert. Got it!” 

Hmm,” Gilbert grunted, amused. She was clever when she least needed to be! The phone was locked. Sherilyn picked it up, aimed it at his face for facial recognition, and paid the bill

Then, she slid the phone back into his pocket. There, we can go now.” 

Gilbert agreed, Yeah, let’s go.” 

Around the corner, Caroline watched everything with a pristine makeup look, her face expressionless. What was going on? Since when had they become so close? What had happened? Why there was a sudden change


12.05 mor 

Outside, Sherlyn was baffled

Did David leave?She glared at the man. You’ve been drinking. You can’t 


So, how were they supposed to get back? Walk

Gilbert arched an eyebrow, finding her feisty demeanor rather cute. What are you worried about? I might be drunk, but you didn’t, You drive.” 

He remembered Sherilyn had her license, having obtained it in Sunhaven before going abroad, She’d often pestered him under the guise of needing to practice driving back then

Saying so, he tossed the car keys to her

Hey!Instinctively, Sherilyn caught them, I don’t want to drive… 

But Gilbert had made himself comfortable in the passenger seat

Left with no choice, Sherilyn begrudgingly took the driver’s seat. Her hands gripped the steering wheel, her nerves on edge. She had a license but hadn’t driven in years

Don’t be nervous,Gilbert chuckled, leaning over to buckle her seatbelt. Take 

it slow. No rush.” 

Alright then

Sherilyn took a deep breath. If I drive you home, can youlet me go back to Neon Nights Bar to dance?” 

Even then, she hadn’t forgotten why she’d come to him today

Just drive,Gilbert raised an eyebrow, sidestepping her question. I prefer not to discuss business in the car.” 


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