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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 168

Chapter 168 

Before she could finish words, Gilbert cut her off sharply, his eyes flashing with irritation. You can’t say anything nice, can you?” 

With that, he picked up a slice of baguette from the plate, dipped it into the sauce, and brought it to her lips. Open up.” 

What? Sherilyn was flabbergasted, wondering if Mr. Johnson was alright. What on earth could make him tolerate her saying something like that

I won’t eat it.Sherilyn frowned, turning her face away. Unless you let me go back to dancing at Neon Nights Bar.” 

Gilbert paused, his hand holding the toast midair. So, it was all about that

He put down the toast, deciding to be direct. Forget about dancing at Neon Nights Bar.” 

Why?Sherilyn was shocked, feeling a shiver down her spine. It’s my job!” 

What kind of lousy job is it?Gilbert didn’t care. You won’t need that job. I can provide for you.” 

Provide for her? Was Gilbert not giving up

Sherilyn felt stifled, struggling to speak. I know you’re capable, but I won’t agree.” 

Is that so?Gilbert met her gaze

Eye to eye, neither backing down. Neither of them was willing to give an inch

Fine.Gilbert nodded. I get your point.” 

After hearing her out on the balcony, he understood winning her over wouldn’t 

be easy

Fair enough. Hadn’t Gilbert been far from perfect in the past, not caring enough? He didn’t delude himself into thinking a few words could change her mind. He was ready to chase her, to woo her

Changing the subject, he said, Let’s eat, shall we? Two bites won’t fill you up.” 



This time, Sherilyn ignored him, lowering her head to gulp down her soup

Huh? Gilbert was surprised but then burst into laughter

After breakfast, they left the house together. David drove, dropping Sherilyn off at Serenity Street first. Gilbert wasn’t thrilled to send her back, especially after having put an end to her job at Neon Nights Bar

Forcing her to move in with him would probably push her too far. It was best to let her be for the time being. Just thinking about her not dancing at Neon Nights Bar anymore, not being ogled by those men, made Mr. Johnson feel 

more at ease

Upon reaching the alley, Gilbert walked Sherilyn to her apartment

Time was short. He only took her to the door, not following her inside

One inside, one outside

He looked down at her. I’m leaving.” 

Sherilyn didn’t want to respond


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