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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 169

Chapter 169 

Derek and Yates exchanged a puzzled look before bursting into a lighthearted ribbing 

What’s going on today? One after another, heading to the restroom before we’ve started drinking!” 

Feeling a little under the weather, Mr. Johnson?” 

Ha, ha” 

Edgar wasn’t aiming for the restroom. His sights were on the backstage, hoping to see Sherilyn

Edgar.Suddenly, a voice from behind caught his attention

Gilbert?Turning around, Edgar couldn’t shake off a guilty feeling

Lost your way?With a knowing smile, Gilbert playfully slung an arm around Edgar’s shoulder. Been here many times, and you still can’t find the restroom?” 

With a guiding hand, he steered Edgar in a new direction. Come on, I will show you.” 

Okay, sure.Edgar had no choice but to follow, and they entered the restroom together

The two men of average height stood side by side, each minding his business. Edgar.” Suddenly, Gilbert broke the silence

What?Edgar turned, surprised. Gilbert, what’s up?” 

I know you were heading/backstage to see Sherilyn.Gilbert’s gaze remained fixed ahead

But she’s not here today.” 

The unexpected revelation startled Edgar. Even without looking, Gilbert could imagine the expression on Edgar’s face



Edgar was surprised. Howhow did you know?” 

Gilbert didn’t respond to the question. Instead, he turned to face Edgar. Edgar, do me a favor, Stop chasing after Sherilyn. You two aren’t right for each other. Just let her go.” 

Why?Edgar was shocked, his emotions a whirlwind of confusion

BecauseGilbert’s gaze hardened, a look only men could decipher, the kind of territorial warning a male emitted when his prize was under threat

He spoke slowly, deliberately. Sherilyn’s mine.” 

Edgar blurted out, stunned, But I thought you two were divorced.” 

It couldn’t be news to him. He was always around them, well aware of their situation. Gilbert had been planning the divorce for four years, and the moment Sherilyn returned, they had signed the papers

Gilbert raised an eyebrow. That was then. Times change. We’re back together.” 

What? Back together? That didn’t make sense

Frowning, Edgar countered, But just the other day, Sylvia was encouraging 


Shh.Gilbert chuckled, cutting him off. Our reconciliation was recent, just these past few days.” 

Even though it was his decision alone, once he made up his mind, he knew it was only a matter of time before Sherilyn would come around

Edgar’s lips parted slightly, at a loss for words

What else do you want to know?Gilbert’s stance was that of a protective older brother, yet the hostility in his eyes remained undiminished


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