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Whispers Turn to Whimpers: Could He Ever Change? novel Chapter 562

She could only offer her presence.

“Rebecca, time to get up. Let's head out,” Sherilyn said, her voice barely hiding the strain of her emotions as she helped her friend towards the door. “Careful now, there's a step... Right foot first, down, good, now the left…”

Outside, Gilbert was waiting for them, a silent guardian in the early morning light. Once they were settled in the car, he asked, “Where to?”

“Emerald Estates,” came the reply from Rebecca, her voice soft yet clear. “Thanks for this, Mr. Johnson.”

“No problem at all.”

As the car rolled away towards Emerald Estates, Gilbert couldn't help but worry. One of his passengers was pregnant, the other blind; leaving them alone wasn't an option.

Their apartment might have seen better days, but at least it had heating. Sherilyn went straight to turn on the water heater and gathered some clean clothes for Rebecca, preparing everything for a much-needed warm bath.

While Rebecca bathed, Sherilyn stepped outside to find Gilbert lounging on the sofa, phone in hand. He looked up, concern etched on his features. “Need any help?”

"No, it's okay," Sherilyn shook her head, sounding tired but resolute. "Rebecca needs someone with her, and that's me. You should go back."

Gilbert, though reluctant, knew better than to argue. “Call me later, okay?”

“Will do. It's getting late, you should go.”

After a brief hug that spoke volumes of their shared concerns, Gilbert left. Not surprisingly, he found his brother Francis waiting in his car outside, the silent confirmation that Rebecca had been found at last.

“Is she okay?” Francis' voice was barely a whisper, a mix of hope and fear.

“She's unharmed physically,” Gilbert reassured him, recalling Rebecca's shaken demeanor. “Just a bit traumatized.”

Francis let out a sigh so faint it was almost inaudible. He hadn't intended to scare Rebecca; he just hadn't found a better way.

“What's the plan now?” Gilbert inquired, concern lacing his words. “With Sherilyn there, it might be complicated.”


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