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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 553

"Can you tell me something that you think you can tell me?"

The little girl seemed to ask for confirmation.

Victor glanced at the little girl and then looked back at the shabby pharmacy.

Thinking of what Ivan had said, all these could prove that Charles had indeed been to this pharmacy.

It didn't matter if he said it.

"My wife and another woman were kidnapped here by a man and a woman. We agreed that we would use money to save my wife and other woman from the kidnappers in two days.

I've called the police. According to the investigation, the criminal suspect came to your pharmacy at about ten o'clock this morning."

"But how did you find out? There is no camera in our shop. You can't get the surveillance video at all. " The little girl tilted her head to look at Victor.

"The camera on the street took a picture of the black car of the criminal suspect. The license plate number is exactly the same."

Hearing this, the little girl looked at Victor seriously and said to herself, "I see. That's how it is."

"So that's how it is?"

Victor repeated the little girl's words with a questioning tone. He didn't know why the little girl would say such words.

'What's the meaning of how it is?

"Brother, please wait for a moment."

The little girl got out of the car and ran back to the pharmacy. She said something to the older woman, took off her white coat that didn't fit her, and ran back to the car.

"What's wrong?" Victor was puzzled by the little girl's actions.

"I think I have to take you to a place and you can turn left in the front. I'll tell you in detail on the way. "

The serious look of the little girl immediately made Victor serious.

"This morning, when I was sitting at the diagnosis table in a daze, I saw a man with strange equipment. I won't tell you more about the specific equipment. He caught my attention and came in.

You know, this man is the first patient in our pharmacy for such a long time. I have been staring at him.

He walked to me and asked me in a low voice if I had the ointment that could heal the wound quickly. I took a look at him, but I didn't find anything wrong with him, but I was too embarrassed to ask.

He took a lot of this ointment, gauze and medical tape. I'm curious, but I don't dare to ask him.

I've been watching him leave our pharmacy, but he acted like a thief, flinching. He looked left and right, and I followed him. My instinct tells me that he must be abnormal.

I followed that man. He drove a black car away.

I hesitated for a while. There is no business in the shop, so I decided to follow him. His car is much faster than me, but there are no thick branches along the road that can cover my vision. I clearly saw him driving to a dark prison underground.

I took a path and arrived at the man's parking space. I heard his footsteps and guessed that he was going that way.

I remember clearly that my family told me not to go there casually, but this time I certainly decided to find out the truth."

Victor's hand holding the steering wheel trembled slightly, but he held it tightly again. Yes, the clue came.

The little girl looked ahead and said, "Let's turn right. Otherwise, we will be easily found if we walk on the road."

Victor nodded and motioned for the little girl to go on.

"I found a small shabby house not far from the dungeon. I saw the man enter it clearly. I leaned against a corner and watched him.

There are two women in the room. They were tied to the chairs and their eyes were covered. One of the women's mouth was stuffed with a cloth, probably to prevent her from shouting. The other woman had a pool of blood at her feet. The blood was still not dry...

I clenched my hands and looked up to see where she got hurt and why she bled so much. I saw that her eyes were also covered with black cloth. There were at least three wounds on her face that were cut by a knife, and those wounds were bleeding.

I was so scared that I went back the way I came. I was afraid that the man would find me, so I ran back to the pharmacy as fast as I could... I've been thinking about it for the whole morning, but I don't know what to do. "

Tears welled up in Victor's eyes.

Blood... So much blood...

The little girl was just telling him these things like telling a story, but he seemed to be able to feel it. His heart was bleeding.


Hearing the little girl's voice, Victor braked abruptly, "Brother, what are you thinking about! I called you so many times, but you didn't hear me. "

The little girl was frightened by Victor's sudden brake, but soon she pointed at the rental house which was hidden and only a corner was exposed as if she was completing her task or flaunting her discovery.

"Look! That's it! It's that house! "

Victor looked up at the house pointed by the little girl and scratched his hair with his hands, looking very painful.

Seeing the painful expression on Victor's face, the little girl patted him on the shoulder.

"If you want to go in, I'll go with you. I'm very bold... I can help you save them! "

Hearing what the little girl said, Victor's heart tightened. He searched the location here and saved it.

Unexpectedly, Victor drove away.

Victor read the little girl's mind and said, "Don't worry. I can't take you to do such a dangerous thing. You are too young to bear many things. I have called the police, and they will deal with it. "

The little girl nodded as if she could understand.

"Promise me, don't let anyone know about it. It's not good for you at all. And don't come to such a dangerous place again."


Victor sent the little girl back to the pharmacy and returned to S City.

He received a call from Zed.

Chapter 553 Found Her 1


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