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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 556

Noticing the blood on Sophia's feet, Victor felt a sharp pain in his heart and couldn't breathe. He didn't pay attention to what he had stepped on.


Sophia couldn't help but ask in a low voice, as if she had felt her most familiar breath.

Victor was afraid that his answer would wake up the sleeping Sally.

He didn't dare to answer Sophia's words, but slowly approached Sophia.

"Who are you?"

Sophia was a little scared and plucked up the courage to ask, because Sophia clearly felt that there was a person beside her.

Victor had no choice but to worry that Sophia's voice would attract Sally's attention.

He lowered his head and kissed Sophia. Sophia didn't resist.

The kiss from shallow to deep, only belong to Victor.

Knowing it was Victor, Sophia didn't say anything more, waiting for his next move.

Victor took off the cloth covering Sophia's eyes, put on her night vision glasses for her and untied the rope tied to her.

He winked at Sophia, asking Sophia to untie Teresa.

Sophia nodded, rubbed her knees and tried to stand up.

But when Sophia stood up, she found that Sally woke up on the other side. Sally opened her eyes as if she was looking around.

Sophia walked quietly to Victor. Victor was untying the rope for the unconscious Teresa.

Then Sophia looked at Charles in the corner. Fortunately, Charles didn't wake up and snored slightly.

Seeing that Sally was approaching her and Charles' direction, Sally pressed the remote control in her hand and the light in the room was on.

Victor immediately turned around and saw Sally stabbing a dagger into Sophia's abdomen.

"Victor? You are really good at playing tricks with me! "

Victor turned around, picked up Sophia and kicked Sally to the ground.

"Come in!"

Victor shouted at Zed outside.

Zed immediately ran in, picked up the sleeping Teresa and went out.


Sally shouted Zed's name, picked up the knife from the ground and tried to chase Zed.

Seeing this, Victor said to the headset, "Sniper ready!"


The gun shot.

When Charles woke up, he saw Sally lying on the ground and being shot...

Sally died in the direction where Zed took Teresa out.

"Sophia... Wake up! "

Victor choked with sobs as he saw the blood spreading from the wound on Sophia's abdomen.

"Victor, take the hostages away from the target. Team A entered the destination. "

After hearing the director's order, Victor picked up Sophia and the stretcher and the doctors waited outside.

"Take the hostages to the hospital as soon as possible, and team B will escort the hostages. Team A will clean up the scene, arrest the kidnapped man and take him to the police station for interrogation. "

Victor and Zed rushed to the hospital with Sophia and Teresa, who had lots of injured.

The medical staff stopped the bleeding of Sophia's wound.

Victor held Sophia's cold hands tightly and felt heartbroken.

It was not until Sophia and Teresa were sent to the hospital that Xiao family and An family knew about the kidnapping.

Rita, who was abroad, flew back as soon as she heard the news.

Two weeks later.

Sophia and Teresa had been fine. The wound healed and they could do something on their own.

In response to Sophia's request, Teresa also transferred to the same ward with her.

When Sophia saw Teresa, she smiled at Teresa.

It was also because of the kidnapping that the knot between Teresa and Sophia was completely resolved and they got along well.

Sophia and Teresa knew that they wouldn't have been able to hold on for so long if it weren't for the fact that they face it together.

People from Xiao family and An family went to the ward to take care of Sophia and Teresa.

Luis and Teresa's daughter also came to accompany them.

They drank nutritious soup every day and was taken good care of.

The wound on Teresa's face had healed, but there was only a scar left on her face lightly.

Chapter 556 I'm With You And Won't Go Anywhere (Part Two) 1

Chapter 556 I'm With You And Won't Go Anywhere (Part Two) 2

Chapter 556 I'm With You And Won't Go Anywhere (Part Two) 3


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