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Winner Takes All novel Chapter 25

Jack came in.

Ben's eyes lit up. He hurriedly got up and sorted his suit.

By bringing Ben to such an occasion, Aiden clearly wanted to support him.

If he could win over the distinguished guest, his future career would definitely be bright.

"Hmph, Jack, I'm may be relying on my brother-in-law for now, but with a bit of help and my hard work, I could easily climb to the top. But what about you? Even if you buy out DT, I will still beat you!”

Ben couldn't help feeling prideful.

But the moment he saw the people in the VIP room, his mind was blown up.

His smile suddenly disappeared. With a distorted face, and he was extremely shocked.

"Why, why you?"

The exclamation echoed in the VIP room.

"Ben, what nonsense are you saying?" His brother-in-law pushed up the gold-framed glasses on his nose, and motioned the guest to the main seat with a smile, "Sorry for the inadequacies, Mr. Hughes. Please, take a seat."

"Aiden, this, this..."

Ben was about to go crazy; he never expected that one of the guests that his brother-in-law noted was actually Jack.


Jack walked up to Ben and smiled slightly.

Ben's face turned blue, but glancing at his brother-in-law, he managed to suppress himself and sat down, yet he still felt extremely anxious.

In the blink of an eye, Jack was regarded as nothing but a stray dog, but he turned out to be one of his brother-in-law's most distinguished guests.

How was he going to get any support now?

What made him feel even more disgusted was that his brother-in-law actually asked him to come accompany Jack!

"Short-sighted fool."

Aiden glanced sideways at Ben and whispered through his gritted teeth.

He held the banquet naturally as he knew the whole story.

He knew from the beginning that Mr. Ward helped Jack to buy out DT, so he didn’t hesitate to sell DT at all, for he did not dare to offend Mr. Ward.

As to DT's profit and loss, he didn't care at all.

He merely used this real estate company to please his wife by helping out her useless brother.

After selling DT, he also hinted at Ben, but he did not expect that Ben did not catch his hint, but ran off to annoy Jack instead.

This made Mr. Ward personally get involved the matter!

He used to think Mr. Ward was merely Jack's mentor; after all, he saw quite well how Jack's ability has improved within three years.

Given the right time, place, and conditions, even the most common of commoners could become a man of legend.

A talent like Jack could never stay in his company forever; one day, he will meet a mentor and reach even higher grounds.

However, due to the obstacle of the expropriation of West Shantytowns, Mr. Ward had to get personally involved. This was no longer a mentor providing some help, but fighting with him side by side. The difference is huge!

Tonight, by holding the banquet, Aiden wanted to reconcile differences and make Ben apologize for his mistake.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Jack and Mr. Ward entered the door, Ben sat on a chair and acted superior.

"Aiden, you’re so busy," Mr. Ward smiled as he greeted.

"What are you saying, Mr. Ward? Compared with you, I’m nowhere near busy at all!" The middle-aged man joked at himself.

Immediately, Aiden looked at Jack and smiled graciously, "Good boy! I always knew that your future is limitless. Congratulations on buying out DT!"

"Thank you, Mr. Lott," Jack nodded modestly, "I could only get where I am today with your help."

Jack was truly grateful to Aiden.

It was Aiden's cultivation that helped Jack become deputy general manager of DT within three years.


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