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Winner Takes All novel Chapter 26


With a scream, Ben fell directly to the ground, his head full of wine, blood and glass pieces.

He looked at Aiden in horror; his expression was distorted, as blood and wine slowly trickled down his face.

"You, you have the gut to hit me? Aiden Lott, I, I will tell my sister!"

"You’ve made a terrible mistake; it’s not too much even if I were to kill you!"

Aiden was sweating profusely; he threw punches at Ben, and said angrily, "You have offended Mr. Ward; how dare you be so presumptuous? I will divorce your sister when I get back. Even if you die, I will make you apologize to Jack and admit your mistake!"

His voice was so cold that people have no doubts about what had happened.

Ben's face was covered with blood, he looked hideous and terrifying. He squinted at Aiden in panic.

His sister was his only support.

For so many years, he was able to act grandiose and get by in his Aiden's company with his sister's care, and Aiden's concession to his sister.

If Aiden really divorced his sister, then he would have nothing.

Thinking of losing his current comfortable and extravagant lifestyle, Ben finally relented.

He struggled, looking like a defeated dog, and hugged Aiden's thigh, "Aiden, I was wrong. I know I was wrong... Please don't divorce my sister."

Aiden looked cold and hostile.

He had been in business for many years and gradually became a figurehead others looked up to.

As a businessman, he knew what actions to decisively make in the business battlefield.

He said coldly, "Apologize to Jack and Mr. Ward first!"


The remaining half of the wine bottle in his hand smashed to the ground.

The crisp sound made Ben suddenly shiver.

He looked back at the indifferent Jack and Mr. Ward.

Without any hesitation, he crawled and threw himself in front of Jack.

"Jack, I'm sorry. I apologize to you. Since we used to be colleagues, forgive me."

Ben cried and bowed toward Jack desperately with his head banging on the ground.

He knew that Mr. Ward was the one behind Jack, and that he came today to help out Jack.

If he wanted to maintain the easy life he always had, he must get Jack to forgive him.

However, Jack sat on his chair calmly without even looking at Ben.

Mr. Ward and Aiden already expected things would play out like this.

Ben looked at Jack desperately, with blood and tears mixed on his face. He looked extremely embarrassed, and his arrogance had gone.

He was far too used to his extravagant life, so it was far more painful to take that lifestyle away from him than to kill him.

But Jack's reaction made him feel extremely uneasy.


Aiden stepped forward and kicked Ben's back hard.

With a scream, Ben slammed his head with a large "bang" onto the ground.

"Bow! Bow to death! Bow for Jack’s forgiveness, or else just bow to death here!"

Aiden's voice was extremely cold, but there were dense beads of sweat on his forehead.

In this city, he was indeed a powerful man, a man of great influence in the business world.

But in front of Mr. Ward, he didn't even have the qualifications to wipe Mr. Ward’s shoes.


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