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Winner Takes All novel Chapter 27

Next morning, Jack got a message that he received an amount of money.

One billion was transferred to his Bauhinia Card, but he only sneered.

Obviously, Mr. Wand misunderstood his words last night.

Maybe he thought if one billion wasn’t enough to compensate, he could give another one billion?

Well, what an easy way to say sorry!

How much money did his father, he had never seen, have?

After freshening up a little bit, Jack looked around his small apartment he rented with only two bedrooms. Suddenly he thought of what Daisy once said to him.

Indeed, with so much money in his pocket, he still lived in this shit hole. Didn’t he deserve better?

He didn’t have to think about buying a car now. But he did need a bigger apartment.

He could just get by living in this place, but his mother was about to leave the hospital, and Daisy decided to move in. Two bedrooms were obviously not enough.

Jack hesitated a while, and then made up his mind to visit different villas.

Compared with common apartments, villas provided a more private space.

Jack and Daisy were almost at the same age. Later when she moved in, if the house was too small, there must be some embarrassing situations.

In casual clothes, Jack took a cab and headed to the finest villa district of the city.

They arrived at TM Villa District, where real noble and wealthy families gathered.

It cost 100 grand for one square meter. Even the majority couldn’t afford that.

But that was the lowest price in this district.

The prices for those amazing villas at the half of the mountain were sky-high.

Living in those villas, you could bird view the city. In addition, the air quality there was the best. The sunshine would shroud the whole house at sunrise and sundown as if it was surrounded by a halo. It would be magnificent.

Ben arrived at the TM Villa sales center very early.

Architectures here were designed by his brother-in-law – Aiden Lott.

But since last night Ben got beaten black and blue, his reputation at the sales center changed dramatically.

It was Aiden that made him as the sales manager. Now, Aiden was so furious that he even threatened to divorce his sister in order to make him apologize. He was completely degraded from sale manager to a salesman at the ground level.

“Ben, you’re here so early.” A girl in suits with heavy makeup walked to him with a flattering smile, “Today is my birthday, and you have to drink with me tonight.”

On the first day Ben worked in the sales center, he told everyone that he and Mr. Lott were in-laws. It seemed like what he usually did.

So people knew he had a tough background, which Ben leveraged to pick up girls.

Gold-diggers rushed to him like hungry wolves.

The girl standing in front of him was one of these gold-diggers.

“Okay, of course.” With his swollen face, Ben responded with an ugly smile.

“But, Ben, my performance this month is not qualified, so …I’ll repay you in another way.”

That girl cast a charming smile at Ben, and crossed her finger on his chest. Ben’s heart was racing.

He had been through the same situation for a thousand times. How couldn’t he understand the girl’s intention.

However, he quit the idea to hook up with her.

His face clouded and signed, “Actually I …”

“Sara, Ben, what’s wrong with you? Don’t you have work to do?” A middle-aged man yelled.

Sara suddenly frowned and pouted, “I have something to report to manager Hall.”

“From now on, you report directly to me. It’s Mr. Lott’s order. Ben Hall has been demoted to salesman, and I will be your new manager.”

That man’s face was stone cold, which frightened Sara.


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