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Written In My Heart. novel Chapter 24

Kiara dragged her downstairs as Ryan and Aliza were sitting on the table by that time and were waiting for them all.. They stood up as Kiara paused in front of the table While trying to catch her breath..

K:She.. Is... she's..... com....coming

R: Clam down... Breath first talk later...

He said as Kiara paused and took a deep breath in..

K: Sofi is coming with us on the trip..!!!!

R: Really..?? How did this magic happen..??

K: Ask her yourself..

R: So you are coming..??

S: I sure am..!!

Al: Aww sofi.. this is so great..!!

Aliza eclaims hughing sofia as Kiara also joins.. Ryan laughs looking at them but rushes beside them childishly hugging them.. Nick and Ayaan were standing at a distance and chuckled looking at the girls.. As they saw Ryan hug them they glanced at each other and then laughed running to join in the hug..

S: Alright guys.. I..Can't..... breathe..

She chokes out as they all move away laughing..

S: Alright can we have dinner.. I'm actually starving now..

She says smiling as they all nod excitedly sitting on the table as Ayaan holds the chair for Sofia as she sits down giving a smile to him.. He takes the seat beside her as Nick was seated beside him and Aliza across with Ryan on her right followed by Kiara.. the middle seat was left empty where Nick's dad used to sit..

They were about to start eating when the bell rang.. Nick went to open the door as His dad came home.. They all looked at him as he entered the hall.. They all greeted him as he greeted them back.. He was leaving for his room when Ayaan called him..

A: Uncle.. Come have dinner..

U: No.. I already had at office.. You guys continue...

R: Uncle.. You know.. We are going on a trip...

U: Is it... where..??

R: The closest hill station.. Me and Kiara got a new project for photography..

U: That's really nice.. Are you all going..??

A: Yes.. And we even convinced Sofi to join us..

U: Nice..

A: Uncle.. You should come too.. its been a long time since we all went on a vacation together..

N: Yeah dad..!!

U: Oh no.. you guys go and enjoy... And besides some one has to be here to manage the office too...

A: Thank you soo much uncle.. it's my responsibility but you are always managing it for me..

U: You don't need to thank me for that.. It's my duty.. Now you guys have dinner.. I'll go freshen up.. and sleep.. Good night..

He wishes as they all wish him back.. They all have dinner and then go off to their rooms..

Ayaan entered his room and went to freshen up.. he later sat on the bed as his hand went to his shirts pocket as he took out the glass bottle.. Whatever happened throughout the day passed through his head.. He knew this had been bothering sofia a lot.. but he was scared to find out about it too.. he had been procrastinating the thing this whole day.. but now at night he couldn't deny it further..

He was scared if he might find something that would disturb sofia further.. but he couldn't ignore her.. and didn't know what he'll answer if she asked about it..  So finally gathering all the courage he could find.. he took out the phone and dialed his friend..

After a while his friend picked it up..

F: Hello Ayaan.. How did you remember your friend today..??

S: Hey Ben.. How are you...?

B: Fine.. What about you..??

S: I'm perfectly fine.. Just needed a little favour from you...??

B: Sure.. what is it..??

S: I'm sending you a picture.. There's this drug named.. dextoamphetamine.. I needed some information about it..

B: Amphetamine.. yes.. I've read a few things.. but I'll need some time to gather everything and tell you..

S: Yeah no worries.. there's no hurry..

B: Alright.. I'll send you in a day or two..

S: Great thanks a lot..

B: Not a problem buddy.. Look I'll call you later.. just a little busy..

S: Yeah sure.. Talk to you later.. Bye..

B: Bye...

He ends the call throwing the phone back on the bed.. He takes a long breath wiping his face.. He shook his head clearing his thought and jumped on his bed covering himself with a blanket.. He stared at the ceiling as the thoughts of sofia ran through his mind.. He didn't realise as his eyes began getting heavy and sleep took over..


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