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Written In My Heart. novel Chapter 4

They had finished their shopping and then had some snacks. Then everyone left for home. It was almost evening by the time they reached their homes. All of them were really tired.

Sofia entered her house and threw all the bags on the sofa and fell on other one feeling veeery tired! She layed down closing her eyes until she heard some noises from the kitchen. She opened her eyes and sat up right. she knew her father would come home later and would be at his Office probably.

She stood up and started walking towards the kitchen. She grabbed a vase off the table in her way. Yeah, it might be really expensive. But if what she thought was in the kitchen. Her life would be much more of importance for saving than a stupid-very expensive but still stupid-vase.

She went up to the Kitchen in full spy mode. She lifted her vase and jumped into the kitchen ready to hit. But the sight in front of her stopped her as she lowered her vase and as she took a deep breath.


She said as she saw her dad making lunch with no care in the world. Obviously oblivious to his daughter almost tearing his head. Her dad eyed the vase and looked at her. As she smiled sheepishly and kept down the vase thinking that the stupidly expensive vase didn’t need breaking after all.!!

S:Dad.. What are you doing home.. aren’t you supposed to be at the office.

Dad: I was. But i just took a day off.!

S:Why.??? Are you ok..?? Are you sick or something..??

D:Oh no dear! I just thought to have lunch with you today. It’s your birthday tomorrow. The most important day of my life.


She smiles brightly at him as her dad pats her head lovingly.

D:See.. I made lunch.!!

He puts a plate of sandwiches in front.

S:Woww... Sandwiches.!!

D:Yes. Lets eat..

S:I’m starving..

D:You didn’t have anything at the mall.?

S:Ya we did. Some snacks. But I’ll always be hungry for sandwiches.

They went and put the sandwiches on the table. and sat beside each other.

D: So... How was the shopping?

S: soo Awesome! We bought soo many things... Jewellery, shoes and dresses. And we had so much fun.

D: un huh.!! What did you buy for yourself.?

S: lots of things! And you know my dress. It’s soo pretty!! Like a princess!

D: really! You can show me after we eat!

S: Yes! I loved it soo much the moment I saw it. Well It was actually Ayaan who saw it first. But still, That jer-

She bites her tongue realising what she said. Her dad didn't like name-calling so...

D: Unhun...

S: I... meant... He just annoys me a lot!

D:Maybe, You should give him a chance.

S: I don't know we just don't get along. Sometimes I even wonder how we are even friends until now!

D: Well... You do remember what you did for him right!

S (thinking for a while): Yeah... I do.

D: You know.. when your mother and I first met we hated each other!

S (smiling): You did?

Her father nodded as she chuckled and shifted closure to him directing all her attention to him. It was at rare occasions when her father talked about her mother. and she definitely didn't want to miss a word! She sat close as he spoke.

D: Yes. You know we used to work at the same place.


D: We used to fight soo much. and even when we became friends. we used to argue about each and every thing! Even after getting married. But you know... That's how life works. We don’t always have to agree. We differ, we fight. but we respect each others decision. each others experience and ideas. That's how you can always go on. It's never like you don't fight. But when you do. you should always let the other person have a say too. You have to listen to resolve. and always try to makeup It could be your mistake just as much as their's. You should always remember. It helped in my marriage it might even help yours.

S: I'm sure it will. And you'll be there to give me more of these wonderful advises!

D: Maybe... But who knows. No body is permanent in this world.

S: Argh! dad C'mon!

D: I know princess ... But we must always be ready to let go! I let go of your mother too. we all have our times limited. Nobody would last for ever! life is all about moving on and smiling through every sadness. So we have to always be ready. and there would always be memories to guide you through your life. No matter where they are they would always stay here... in Your heart.

S: It will be... one day... But that day is not today.


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