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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1593

Chapter 1593

In the oil depot, both sides were still fighting fiercely.

Chris was the first to speak, "I suspect this is Otis's delaying tactic. We must find Otis immediately and not let him run away."

Joyce agreed, "Well."

She glanced at Chris's arm, where there was a scratch and a trickle of blood oozing out.

"You're hurt," she exclaimed.

Chris didn't care at all, "Is this called injury? Just grazed by shrapnel."

Seeing that he didn't care, Luther reminded, "Be careful. You're also about to become a father. Don't lose your sense of proportion."

Chris was stunned. The mission of a soldier was to live and die. He had never really cared about his own safety. After Luther's reminder, he suddenly remembered Nina. Yes, Nina was pregnant. He was about to become a father. No matter what Nina thought, he at least had to live to give her an explanation.

"I know," Chris said impatiently. "What can a few rascals do to me?"

"Let's go." Joyce waved, indicating that everyone sneak into the grass and head to the core of the airport.

The weeds that had been unattended for years were taller than humans when crouching.

Going to the center, Luther warned, "We are hiding in the weeds, so will they."

"Should we search separately? If anyone finds something, let's keep in touch via wireless Bluetooth," Chris said.

"The signal is intermittent, and it's difficult to contact the outside world in the valley," Joyce said, bending down.

She took out a mini satellite phone, "I have already requested support. Here is the phone. Be flexible."


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