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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1594

Chapter 1594

Joyce frowned, "Don't underestimate the enemy. This is not a shooting competition to compare gun skills. No one can predict Otis's means. The equipment we have now, he also has. We have no advantage. "

Chris sneered, "I heard that Vance is extremely cruel and evil. When I find him later, I will deal with him. I like to clean up such people the most. Colonel Roselin will be handed over to Mr. Warner. "

"Okay." Joyce agreed, "I will personally deal with Otis. The things I caused should be ended by me."

"Everyone try to act together." Luther frowned.

He remotely controlled the drone, looked at the remote control screen, searched for the enemy's whereabouts in the dark night.

Suddenly, he yelled low.

"Look quickly, found it!"

Luther pointed to the display screen on the remote control of the drone.

In the dark bushes, a vague figure was lying on the ground, wearing indistinguishable night clothes.

Chris glanced at it, "Indeed, it's really cunning and too hard to find. Without the night vision drone, it would be impossible to find him. Unfortunately, I can't see what he looks like. I'll go deal with him first. "

"Wait." Joyce spoke out to stop her, "There are two more people who haven't found where they are yet. Let the drone search again, it's better to act when the target is more clear."

"I remotely control the drone to search around." Luther manipulated the drone to rise higher and overlook the entire bush.

Unfortunately, after all, it was night, the light was too weak, the terrain was complex and easy to hide, and no new discoveries were made.

"Strange, why did they spread out? Is Otis hiding in the gully? If so, it will be a bit difficult for drones to find, there are too many trees and bushes nearby." Luther's expression was solemn.

"It is very likely that I suspect the person in the bushes is listening for information and waiting for the result of the fire at the oil depot. Once they successfully suppressed us, they would immediately board the plane and take off." Joyce analyzed, "If we attack the person in the bushes first, the gunshot will inevitably attract the attention of others. If Otis has other alternative evacuation plans, things will be more troublesome."


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