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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1772

Chapter 1772: Older Than You

Kiki quietly asked Anderson, "Hey, Westbrook, is this the same Saunders family that I know?"

Anderson replied wordlessly, "How would I know which Saunders family you're talking about?"

"Oh, it's that one, right?" Kiki couldn't remember how to phrase it.

"That one? Which one is that?" Anderson glanced at her disdainfully and muttered, "What an idiot."

In reality, he knew that the Saunders family referred to Felix's family, with whom his father had a close relationship.

Kiki slumped in her seat, pouting. Anderson's disdainful look made her even more dissatisfied.

After Ms. Zhang finished introducing Westbrook, she told him, "Alright, for today, you can sit in the back. Tomorrow, I'll rearrange the seating."

Westbrook nodded and happily bounced to the back. There was an empty seat between Anderson and Kiki.

That was intentionally left by Anderson to keep his distance from Kiki. He didn't like others getting close to him.

Westbrook came over and, seeing the empty seat, sat down. For a period of time, he hadn't attended kindergarten and staying at home was boring. Teasing the maids all day was also not fun. He wanted to play at school where there were other children to bully.

After putting down his backpack on the floor, he looked around and noticed Anderson sitting not far away, holding something in his hand that looked like a handheld gaming device, seemingly very interesting.

He shouted at Anderson, "Hey, you!"

Anderson heard him but ignored him.


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