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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1773

Chapter 1773: What Is Your Purpose?

The first day at kindergarten.

Westbrook returned to the Saunders family, crying loudly as if the sky was falling, almost lifting the roof off.

Fox remained in the hospital, with both arms fixed and immobilized. Eating, sleeping, and daily activities all required assistance. She couldn't return to the Saunders family at all.

Vicki had been ruthless. It would take at least ten days or half a month for Fox to get rid of the arm immobilizer, and complete recovery would take at least a hundred days.

This was actually the effect Vicki wanted. Recently, she needed to assist Joyce in rescuing Alisha and didn't have time to keep an eye on Fox. So she sent Fox to the hospital for a while to calm down. It also freed up her hands to do more important things.

Mr. Reese was at home today and felt sorry for Westbrook when he saw him crying and running home.

He embraced his youngest son and patted him while comforting him, "What happened? Tell me who bullied you, and I'll go beat him up."

Westbrook kept crying and throwing a tantrum.

"Anderson, it's Anderson who bullied me! Sob... Look at my forehead, it's all bruised, and there's so much blood!" Westbrook pointed at his forehead, full of grievances.

Mr. Reese glared at Carlo disapprovingly. "You were the one who picked up Westbrook today, what happened exactly? Who is this Anderson? How dare he bully Westbrook? Is he tired of living?"

Carlo hurriedly explained, "Sir, there is no evidence to prove that Anderson injured Young Master. Although it seems like Young Master was hit by a slingshot on the forehead, we searched the classroom and couldn't find any slingshots or marbles. Teacher Zhang asked every child, but no one saw what hit Young Master. The children at Dewey Noble Kindergarten are mostly from wealthy families, and without evidence, we can't confront the other party."

"No, it's definitely Anderson! It's him, it must be him!" Westbrook kicked his legs without restraint. "I don't care, Dad, you go teach him a lesson! I want him out of the kindergarten!"

Mr. Reese's expression turned serious, and he asked in a cold voice, "Who is this Anderson?"

Carlo whispered to Mr. Reese, "He's Luther, the son of military commander Joyce. Sir, we can't afford to provoke him. Besides, Mr. Warner is friends with Felix. We have to give Mr. Felix some face."

At home, Carlo often called Felix "Mr. Saunders," emphasizing his legitimate status. But in front of Mr. Reese, Carlo referred to Felix as "Mr. Felix" because there was an illegitimate older brother above him.

Mr. Reese frowned, "Such a big background?"

Carlo nodded, "Yes, sir. I've checked the surveillance footage. There's really no one seen using a slingshot. Young Master's forehead was indeed hit by something, but luckily the injury isn't severe. In the surveillance, Anderson was busy writing programs on his mini computer the whole time. They say he's a computer genius and didn't even look up. We can't forcefully blame him without evidence."

Mr. Reese carefully examined the wound on Westbrook's forehead. It was a round mark, clearly caused by an external object. It couldn't have been caused by himself. They couldn't find anyone using a slingshot on the surveillance footage. It meant that the other party didn't use a slingshot at all. They used some method unknown to them, but it was definitely not something ordinary. The speed at which they acted exceeded the frame rate captured by the surveillance. They were truly impressive!

This child named Anderson had such talent at such a young age.

Looking at Westbrook, who could only cry and shout, Mr. Reese suddenly felt envious. Why were other people's children so successful?


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