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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 2005

Chapter 2005: Eavesdropping

After Mrs. Powell had left,

only Luther and Joyce remained in the dining room.

Luther spoke up, "During the interview, I was well aware of her situation. I know her son is about to enter college. But she didn't mention that he plans to study medicine."

Joyce stirred her soup and slowly said,

"No wonder she's short on money, studying medicine is a huge expense. Without a family background, it's hard to sustain. Mufron's medical school tuition and living expenses for a year amount to seven to eight hundred thousand, even with a full scholarship, it's at least four hundred thousand a year. Adding up the bachelor's, master's, and doctorate programs, it's about eight or nine years until he starts earning as a resident in a hospital. By then, he'll probably be around 40 years old. So, it's already difficult for a doctor to come from a humble background. Mrs. Powell may have this ambition and idea due to her father's originally high education level. Because of family misfortunes, they've fallen into the lower strata of society. Now, they want to work hard and study to return to the middle class. It's understandable. I can understand her thoughts and actions."

Luther agreed, "True, but there's also a risk of being used. So, I'll have someone investigate the people around her son. And also check if there are any unusual funds in his son's accounts. If everything is clear, I can secure a special spot for her son at Mufron's medical school, covering all tuition and living expenses. This way, for the next couple of years, he'll be firmly attached to us."

"Alright. It's all about interests. Let's investigate. Even if she's on the other side, we can find a way to win her over," Joyce nodded.

"I'll keep an eye on the others," Luther finished his breakfast and got up.

"The person you suspect the most is still Mrs. Powell, right?" Joyce raised her head and asked.

"Not necessarily," Luther shook his head, "My gut feeling tells me she might not be the one we're looking for. What about your intuition?"

Joyce rested her chin on one hand, "I can't tell. I'm not sure. I'll observe a bit more. Before the wedding, I won't go to the company, so keep an eye on QR over there for me."

"Alright," Luther nodded, picking up his suit, "Either way, I will investigate thoroughly. I'll be back soon."

With that, he leaned in and kissed Joyce on the cheek.

Then he left.

After Luther had gone, Joyce left the dining room.

Her home security system, Anderson, had been adjusted to connect to her phone, so she could detect any abnormalities immediately. Ever since she received Darrin's call, she had been restless and uneasy.

She paced back and forth in the living room.

Thinking about whether she should tell Cecelia about the matter, she hesitated for a moment and decided to observe for a few more days. Cecelia had returned to the Capital for important matters; it wasn't right to burden her mother again.

The wedding was approaching, and Cecelia would be back in a few days. She could talk to her then.

Joyce walked around the house, looking for details she had overlooked before. If she compared the situation at her home to an iron bucket that water couldn't penetrate and no one could enter from outside, it should be very secure.

So, how was the person lurking around her transmitting information to the outside?

Thinking about it,

Joyce suddenly had an idea.

To transmit information externally, there were only two possibilities. One, while at home, sending signals through a specific band to satellites. Two, when outside, there were more available methods.

So, the person lurking around her could either leave to transmit messages or have some kind of device hidden at home.


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