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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 2013

Chapter 2013: Insulated from Women

What's even more absurd is that even when he occasionally tried to talk to them, to understand the operation situation. And how the working atmosphere was lately, to make some suggestions or improvements. They would only respond if he stood a meter away. It was really awkward.

He felt like there were only male employees around him.

It seemed like women were avoiding him.

Later, he finally understood. Vicki's reputation was so intimidating, they were probably afraid that if they were misunderstood, they would either be beaten to death by Vicki or shot in the head. After all, staying alive was more important than seducing men.

Well, it was also simple. There were no more worries about dealing with women.

But it was also somewhat strange. Did Vicki really need to be so cautious around him? She clearly knew that his heart belonged entirely to her. Of course, he also knew that Vicki didn't need to do this, her naturally strong aura created this effect.

In fact, he was more worried that others might covet Vicki.

However, it seemed like these worries were unnecessary. Ever since Cloud left, there were hardly any men brave enough to approach Vicki, probably afraid of being beaten to death by her as well.

Felix was seething with anger.

At that moment, Vicki suddenly stood up from the sofa.

Step by step, she walked towards Felix.

Until she reached in front of him.

Vicki reached out a hand and put it on Felix's shoulder, "Take it off."

One sentence left Felix stupefied.

Take off what? He had already taken off his white suit and tossed it aside earlier. What else did he need to take off?

"Take off your shirt? Are you saying that the shirt inside doesn't match, so no matter what suit you wear on the outside, it won't look good?" Felix asked.

Vicki couldn't be bothered to answer him.

She directly started unbuttoning his shirt, one by one. Until his chest was completely exposed, showing off his strong physique. Then, she took off his shirt, suddenly hooked onto his belt and pulled him closer to herself.

"I want you."

Vicki directly kissed his chest, without any restraint.

Felix gasped for air.

So, this woman meant this, no wonder she wanted him to take off his clothes. It wasn't for helping him choose an outfit after all.

Sometimes she was too direct, to the point that even he felt embarrassed. As a woman, she had absolutely no sense of restraint.

Feeling her unbuckling his belt.

He quickly reached out and held her wrist, stopping her, "Vicki, your stomach is big. Shouldn't we be more restrained? We did it yesterday."

"We did it yesterday, but not today."

Vicki didn't want to say much, she gently pushed Felix back a step, causing him to fall into the armchair.

She lifted her skirt and sat on his lap, her breath gradually becoming heavier.

As she lowered her head, her long hair fell down, sticking to her ear, adding a touch of allure.

Felix was a man, how could he resist such temptation? But his reason told him, he couldn't be seduced every time.

"Too frequent, I'm afraid it's not good for the baby. Endure it, okay?" he whispered.

Vicki raised Felix's chin with one hand, "Can't endure it. I could have restrained myself. But seeing you undress in front of me all the time, it's you seducing me, so you have to take responsibility."

Felix said, "..."

He was trying on clothes for a wedding, how did he become the one seducing her?

Just as he was about to speak, he saw the intoxication in Vicki's eyes.

Chapter 2013: Insulated From Women 1


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