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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 1

On Friday evening at eight o'clock.

A banquet was being held in the Four Seasons Garden Hotel. Not only was it filled with luxurious vibes, but the happy atmosphere was also held up as different people toasted and chatted happily about the event.

Nina Lu glanced up at the signage with a frown. "It must be this one."

However, she couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows in confusion. It wasn't easy to enter such a place without an invitation. What was she going to say? As she was worrying, a slim figure floated right in front of her. It was Isabella Zhang, Nina Lu's friend at school.

"Isabella," she greeted, waving at her. As if snapped out of the trance, Isabella Zhang turned around, blinking in surprise when she saw who it was. "Why are you here?"

She moved closer, frowning when she didn't smell the Pheromone Perfume, the perfume that she had given Nina Lu. "Why didn't you use the perfume?"

"I have something urgent that I need to get to. That's why I didn't use it." Truth be told, Nina Lu wasn't used to wearing any kind of perfume for that matter. She peered at the crowd. "By the way, could you take me in?"

"Of course I can." Isabella Zhang smiled innocently as something flashed in her eyes.

She took the perfume from her pockets and sprayed it all over Nina Lu.

Nina Lu coughed, pinching her nose deliberately. "I'm allergic to the perfume," she explained, waving her hands up in the air.

Without giving her time to think, Isabella Zhang pulled her in the hotel and pushed her into the elevator.

Once Nina Lu was gone, a vicious smile slipped into Isabella Zhang's lips.

Fortunately, she had brought the Pheromone Perfume today as well. That perfume was a timely invention indeed. No matter how pure or saintly a woman could be, she would act provocatively under its influence. No matter how abstinent a man was, he would leech onto the scent.

There were hundreds of men in the party that day. Isabella Zhang smirked. 'Good luck, Nina. For your sake, I hope you don't bed someone that ugly.'

Nina Lu reached the twentieth floor where there were only two supreme VIP rooms. She knocked on the left, and a charming man opened the door with a coquettish woman in his arms. She stumbled back, furrowing her eyebrows.

It seemed that she had knocked on the wrong door.

She looked away in embarrassment. "Sorry. You can continue."

As soon as she turned around, the man stopped her. "Wait, are you looking for Mr. John?"

The man glanced at Nina Lu up and down. She looked clean and pure. John Shi might not be so tempted to throw her out like the ones he had done in the past.

Just now, James Shi had called John Shi and told him that he planned to give him a surprise. He didn't expect that the woman would be delivered to him so soon.

"He's inside." Before Nina Lu could understand what he meant, he pushed her in and closed the door.

Nina Lu staggered into the suite, almost falling into the ground. When the door shut behind her, her sullen eyes surveyed the room.

When she heard footsteps approaching her, she turned around. A tall and handsome man caught her off her tracks. Although she had seen many good-looking men in her lifetime, none of them could match up to the man in front of her today.

His upper body was right and firm. His fair skin and defined muscles were extremely attractive, especially when drops of water curved down the crevices of his abs. She swallowed.

"Have you seen enough?" he said coldly, snapping her back to reality. Remembering her job, Nina snapped her head and apologized profusely, "Sorry. I may have stepped into the wrong room."

In this world, there were only two types of people who would enter the wrong room. They were either stupid or manipulative. He thought that she was the latter.

John Shi gazed at her. She had a beautiful face, fair skin, and a tall nose.

Her porcelain skin was shaded light pink, and her bright eyes were wide and filled with innocence. There was something about her that drew him in almost immediately.

His lips curved upwards.

"No, you didn't." She should be the surprise that James Shi had been telling him about.


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