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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 12

In the car, Nina and Albert were talking to each other.

"Thank you, Albert," Nina said gratefully as she wiped her hair with a dry towel and looked at Albert in appreciation.

"Don't worry about them anymore. The Zhang family won't do anything to you from now on. But you still need to be wary of Isabella," Albert warned her with a gentle smile gazed at her profile in melancholy. He couldn't help but sigh, "You resemble her a lot."

Nina's profile looked like her when she turned twenty years old.

"What did you say?" Nina was absentminded and didn't hear his last sentence clearly.

"Nothing, forget it."

After drying her hair, Nina glanced at him in confusion. "You seem to know everything that's happening."

"No, not really. For example, I don't know how you happened to have offended John." According to his informant, it was John who had sent the evidence against Nina to Glenn. Otherwise, the Zhang family wouldn't have known who the culprit was and they wouldn't have targeted Nina. "Who? John?" Nina thought she had misheard him. Wasn't that the same man who had threatened her a few days ago?

She was suddenly enlightened. "It's really him!"

It was indeed him who had sold her out. Otherwise, why would the Zhang family send people to catch her? Had she been caught, she could have died.

That callous man was really ruthless beyond words.

His ruthlessness made Nina boil with anger. "The next time I meet him, I will make sure to beat him until he has to be hospitalized."

Hearing this, Albert thought that would be quite interesting. How could someone be so bold as to hit someone like John? But if that were to happen, he really deserved it, by all means.

"Aren't you in the least afraid of offending John?"

"So what if I offend him? You are awesome and you will protect me, won't you?" It seemed that with his support, Nina became bolder.

Albert couldn't help but laugh heartily. She was still the same as before and would always use him as a shield when faced with a critical situation. She was so smart and knew how to take advantage of the resources around her.

However, she might not be aware of how powerful the Shi family was, thus giving her blind courage and boldness.

"Have you heard about the three most powerful families in the city?"

"No, I haven't heard of them. They have nothing to do with me, anyway."

"Okay, if you say so," Albert replied. Sure enough, she didn't know who they were.

She did what she wanted without any hesitation because she didn't know who she was going up against. Had she known, she would have flinched and run as fast as she could otherwise.

"Go back and have a good rest. I'll inform you of his whereabouts as soon as I know where he will be. You can then plot your revenge against him." Albert reached out his hand and gently stroked Nina's head with full of affection.

Nina raised her eyes and noticed the tenderness in his eyes.

In fact, Albert was mild-mannered and good-looking. In girls' eyes, he would definitely be the ideal boyfriend.

But Albert had always been clean and chaste, and Nina had never heard of any scandal that involved him and any woman.

In the beginning, there was a rumor between them. But as time went by, everyone gradually realized that they were really just simple friends who had a platonic relationship.

Back at the apartment, Nina took a hot shower and fell asleep until ten o'clock in the evening. She only woke up when she became too hungry to sleep.

She wandered alone in the street in order to look for food. However, the restaurants had already closed by that time and she had no choice but to go to the night market in search of food.

The night market, which was near the normal university, was a little far from her home. In order to get there, she had to take a taxi.

As many couples in school would always go to the night market street, there was a traffic jam at night. Once she arrived, she had to get out of the taxi in advance and walk for another four hundred meters before she could reach her destination.

Nina was starving so ravenously that she felt a little weak. With great difficulty, she slowly inched forward.

"Hmm, it smells so good!" With the smell of the food drifting towards her, Nina's appetite was immediately aroused. She followed the sweet fragrant smell with her nose and saw that it was coming from a girl squatting under a tree.

She had absolutely no idea what the girl was eating.

She didn't seem to have eaten or seen it before. Following the scent, Nina walked forward. The girl with a bun on her head was wearing a pair of suspenders. She was squatting in hiding under a tree like a spy, and was staring at the hotel in front of her.

"What are you eating? It smells so good!"

"Ah..." The girl was startled when she suddenly heard a voice talking to her.

She lost her balance and fell on the ground. "Are you okay?" Nina asked while biting her lips, all the while curiously staring at the unknown food in girl's hands.

Michelle He grinned foolishly and looked up at the girl in front of her. When she took a closer look, she was stunned to see that standing before her was the campus belle, Nina.

"Campus belle, is it really you? What are you doing here?" This place was far from the campus. So why did she come here?


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