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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 128

Henry whispered, "It's so strange. How does he know that bags can cure all kinds of diseases for women?"

"How did Mr. Shi learn that?" Even Helen, who had taken care of John for more than ten years, was also puzzled.

John had really departed from his normal behavior. Maybe it was not strange after all. Since Nina came into his life, John had started changing little by little.

Henry and Helen exchanged a meaningful glance as if they both understood why John was acting the way.

"What? Bags can cure all diseases for women? This is the first time I've heard that." Even Nina had not heard of it before. She did not feel special feelings when she saw the bags. Back in C Island, she had many bags which were similar or even better than the ones in front of her.

"Yes." John nodded. That was what Dora said this morning.

Considering that John wanted to please her, Nina decided to forgive him for what he had done last night.

"Then leave all of them here. I want all of them." With a wave of her hand, Nina turned around and walked away. She did not really care. Maybe she would use the bags or give them away as gifts. She would figure it out later.

"All right." John nodded in agreement and signaled to Lisa to leave the bags.

Lisa bowed slightly. Then, she asked all the models to leave the bags in a neat pile.

After that, they left.

It was already six o'clock in the evening.

The majestic European-style villa of the Ye family was located in Lexingport City's luxurious district, covering quite a large area.

It had a big courtyard with beautiful fountains and surrounded by neatly trimmed shrubs. A wide staircase path led to the front door.

Today was Vivian's birthday. She threw a birthday party every year, but this year's celebration was particularly grand. It was even bound to surpass the splendor of her eighteenth birthday party.

Vivian sat in front of her mirror with her hairdresser behind her. Her hairdresser had been working tirelessly to make her look magnificent tonight. She loosely braided her curly chestnut hair and then made it into an up-do with little flowers on it. She looked even more elegant than she already did.

"How is Vivian?" A woman's voice came from outside the room.

The voice belonged to Julie Liu, Vivian's mother. She had short and curly hair and was wearing a cheongsam. She also had eyes that seemed to always be smiling, making her look charming.

Vivian's father liked such women.

All the celebrities in the city knew that Howard Ye, the head of the Ye family, loved operas. They guessed that Julie Liu had become his wife just because of her well-toned body and opera singing.

"Mom, why are you here? Who's entertaining the guests downstairs?" Vivian took a look at Julie Liu through the dressing mirror. With a nod, she dismissed her hairdresser, telling her to give her and her mother some privacy.


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