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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 134

Because of Noah, Kristina had decided to treat Nina in a different way. She now wanted to protect Nina. Kristina glared at Adela in disgust. She really did not understand why Vivian had to make friends with such awful women.

Noticing the disgust in Kristina's eyes, Isabella shook her head. She quickly pulled Adela away and told her to stop talking.

Adela, like most people, was afraid of the three families of Lexingport City. Only then did she realize that she was too imprudent, so she shut up and stood beside Isabella.

Adela threw a cold glance at Nina's direction. How could Nina be afraid of her? She could easily take her down if she ever stepped up to her. Isabella met Nina's icy stare. Under the light, her eyes looked like the eyes of a wolf that was stalking its prey in the night. Isabella trembled so much on her high heels that she almost fell down.

Nina's lips curled up. Was Isabella scared?

"Pleasure to meet you, Director Shen. My name is Nina Lu, a student from L University." Nina stretched out her hand elegantly and gracefully. Tonight, she had come as John's date. She could not let John lose face, so she had to try her best to be as prim and proper as possible.

"You are from L University?" Director Shen raised his eyebrows. Was the girl in front of him the Nina that Noah had mentioned?

Kristina answered for Nina, "Nina is Noah's junior and Professor Gu's disciple, Uncle Shen."

This girl was really the Nina who had cracked the serial murder case.

Director Shen was shocked. He smiled and reached out his hand to shake Nina's. "So you really are Nina. This is such a big surprise. No wonder Professor Gu has accepted you as his disciple. It's all to your credit that the serial murder case was solved in just two days."

"Thank you, Director Shen. I'm flattered, but I was just doing my job and not by myself I might add. A lot of good people helped me solve the case." Nina was very calm, but the others who were eavesdropping could not stay calm.

"Professor Gu? Are they talking about the famous criminal profiler and psychologist?"

"Yes. Noah used to be the head of the criminal investigation team under Director Shen. I heard that he was transferred to Spring City."

"That woman named Nina is Professor Gu's disciple? That's incredible. All of Professor Gu's disciples are the backbone of the country's criminal justice system."

"Didn't you hear what Director Shen said? Nina took only two days to solve a serial murder case."

"Is she really a woman?" Everybody whispered and could not hide the admiration in their eyes.

"She's a woman from head to toe, all right, but her figure can't be seen because she's wearing an overcoat." "Don't look at her figure. You just look at her face. I'll never be as pretty as she is," a girl said exaggeratedly, but everyone agreed.

Hearing all the discussions around her, Adela felt so scared that her knees threatened to buckle. She never thought that Nina was actually powerful. She thought she was just a worthless, run-of-the-mill campus belle.

Isabella's face turned pale. She had never felt this embarrassed in her entire life. At this moment, she really wanted to stay away from Adela. Why could she make up a story she could not support in front of so many people?

Now, everyone looked at the two of them mockingly as if they were dressed monkeys at a formal party.

"Excuse me. I'm going to the ladies' room," Isabella murmured and left. The shame had started eating at her insides that she actually felt sick.

Adela was left standing there. She seemed to be in a daze from which she could not wake up.

Albert looked Nina up and down with a complex expression. How could she help the police solve the serial murder case?

And how could she do it in such a short period of time?

It seemed that Hailee had been arrested. If found guilty of murder, she would be sentenced to life in prison if not given the death penalty. What a useless thing!

Albert had underestimated Nina. After all, she was the only one who was able to identify the criminal he had cultivated.

"It turns out that you are so powerful and that I don't know anything about you at all in the two years that I've known you." The sinister look in Albert's eyes gradually receded. He smiled gently and joked as if he and Nina were good friends.

Nina pouted and said, "That's because you're so busy every day."


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