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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 15

Michelle, muttering under her breath, was stunned. For a moment, she didn't know what to do. Although the man in front of her looked like who she was looking for, he was not the one she wanted to deal with.

She grabbed Nina's hand and was ready to leave. "It's not him. We've got the wrong man. James is not that old!"

'Old?' John's blood was streaming from his body. He felt he was about to spit out a mouthful of blood. He was really in a bad way.

"The wrong person?" Now it was Nina who was stunned. Why did she hit him if it was the wrong person?

"Michelle, are you kidding me?"

Nina frowned and looked straight at Michelle. She had to know what was going on.

"Really! We really hit the wrong man. I've seen James in a video. They look different!" Michelle tried to explain this bizarre situation but she couldn't get her words out clearly.

This man was not a person to trifle with.

What was she going to do?

John sneered. He slowly propped himself up against the wall. After a few seconds, he finally stood on his feet. "James is my nephew!"

'Are you blind?' he thought.

John stood looking rather battered. No matter how bad he looked, the venom in his eyes was very evident. He looked like he was determined to crush these girls. Michelle was evidently terrified. She even unconsciously hid behind Nina!

"What should we do now?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Who should I ask? You're the only one here!"

Nina gritted her teeth and glared at John. She didn't want to show her fear.

"Run! Let's just run." The man before them was quite handsome but he hid his devilish side. He always looked like he was hiding evil behind the pleasant face.

"Run away?" This whole time, John's gaze didn't leave Nina.

'I think I have spoiled you too much in the past few days if you think that you can do this to me and get away with it. It's time you learn a lesson.

The Zhang family are so useless, ' he thought.

Nina had made up her mind. There was a glint in her amber eyes. There was no need to run away.

Thinking of the video, she took the opportunity to take revenge.

John walked towards Nina step by step. Nina protected Michelle, her eyes full of vigilance as she stepped back.

'Is she afraid now?

It's too late, ' he sneered inwardly.

In the quiet corridor, only his heavy footsteps could be heard.

Nina stopped retreating and began to take off her coat. She seemed to know what she was going to do.

Michelle was frightened. "Why are you taking off your coat? You can't sacrifice yourself. It's my fault. I shouldn't have brought you here."

Michelle was so flustered that tears were welling up in her eyes.

"Shut up!" 'What the hell is she thinking about?' Nina thought helplessly.

John stared intently at Nina. One could almost see him conspiring in his mind as he let out a sneer. He stretched out his slender hand and brushed a wisp of Nina's black hair.

"You think I will let you go after you take off your clothes?" he asked. "It's hard to say who will let go of whom." Nina looked like she was about to take off more clothes, occasionally peeping at John.

He quickly figured out what Nina was trying to do. He couldn't help but smirk.

She was a really bold woman as she wanted to beat him again.

John smiled. He liked her fighting spirit in all honesty.

Nina threw the coat she had taken off onto his face. He caught the coat, intoxicated by her scent and moved aside a little.

Nina stretched her hand, trying to hit John, but she missed.


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