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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 167

John wanted to laugh. He could only continue to lie down and let Nina hold his hand as a stove for her.

In the night, John's body was getting hotter and hotter. He couldn't fall asleep. His eyes flashed with a faint light. His hair was a little messy. His breathing gradually became heavy.

After a deep breath, he slowly closed his eyes.

Nina liked to sleep with the window open so as to keep the air fresh in the room. It was just the end of spring. The night wind was not cold, but soft and warm.

Covered with a quilt and sleeping next to John, Nina felt very hot. She suddenly kicked the quilt and pushed it to her belly. Only then did she feel better.

However, she still felt a little hot. She frowned uncomfortably and murmured, "Brother, stay away from me..."

Before Nina was five years old, she liked to sleep with her brother, who was only four years elder than her. Their family allowed them to sleep together because they were still young at that time.

John was stunned.


'Does she have a brother?'

All of a sudden, it occurred to him that Jessica asked them how much they knew about Nina during the family dinner today. He couldn't help but frown.

He knew what kind of person Nina was, but he had no idea of her identity and background.

The only thing he was sure about was that Nina came from an unusual background, but he could not verify it.

Last time when Richard was in Spring City, John specifically ordered Richard to investigate the people whose surname was Lu. He did find two families whose surname was Lu in the upper class. With further investigation, he found that there was no relationship between Nina and the two families.

In the end, he only found that she had a villa by the sea, which was worth eight million dollars. There were high-tech security facilities surrounding the villa. There would be alert automatically once someone approached the villa.

"Nina, who are you?" John asked, but no one answered.

Since he couldn't know the identity of Nina, there was a little caution in his eyes. Looking at the girl's sleeping face, he felt a little obscure.

Unlike others who could live a simple life, he was one of the most powerful and richest people in LC City and he was coveted by a lot of people. He didn't approach women. He was protected by Richard and others so no one could get in the place where he lived. There were GPS and invisible pinhole cameras in his cars.

Where he was every day and what he was doing was displayed on the screen of the monitoring room of Richard to ensure his safety.

He didn't want to think about it, but the identity of Nina was a mystery so he really needed to be cautious about her.

She was a famous painter and a capable student of Professor Gu.

It could be known that Nina was not an ordinary person.

However, these two identities were not her real identities.

"I hope things are not what I think." John leaned forward and kissed her gently on the tip of her nose.

It itched.

It was so itchy that Nina frowned again in her sleep. "Brother, if you tickle me with the swan feather again, I will kick you out. Believe it or not?"

"Swan feather?" John seemed to have heard of it, but he couldn't remember it.

While he was thinking, Nina suddenly moved and her head hit the forehead of John.

He frowned in pain.

'Are you going to murder your own husband?'

Before John knew it, all the quilts were covered on his body and wrapped him tightly. Nina's hands and feet were placed on his body tightly.

She did it as if she had done it many times.

Of course, when she was a child, she often dealt with her brother in this way and it worked.

John was wrapped tightly and his hands and feet were unable to move.

"I told you to stay away from me, but you didn't listen to me." Nina murmured. She slept well.

John was stunned and tried to get rid of it, but he found that he couldn't move at all.

It was his fault. He didn't listen to others' words that a girl in her menstrual period couldn't be offended.

Nina had always been strong and he knew it.


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