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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 192

When James turned around, she was gone.

"Master, go to the Communication University." Emma had got on the taxi and left without looking back.

"Hello, Emma. Why are you leaving?" When James caught up with her, the car had already been driven away.

Coincidentally, the people of XY Company heard the noise and ran out. The security guard directly fight with the bodyguards of James, but the security guard was pressed on the ground and unable to move.

The bodyguards were all experienced. How could these ordinary security guards be their opponents?

The receptionist shouted, "stop! Stop! What are you doing? How dare you smash things and hit people? I'll call the police. Wait and see. "

Emma ignored him again. With a depressed look on his face, James put his one hand in trouser pocket. Hearing that someone was going to call the police, he was instantly angry. He closed his eyes and opened again with a fierce look.

He turned around and walked towards them, tilting his head casually. He walked very slowly, with her heels on the ground first. He looked like a ruffian, and he also looked like a member of a rich family.

"Call the police? Do you know who I am? "

"I don't care who you are. How dare you bully Adela? You are screwed."

It was hard to say who would be the one to be defeated.

James pointed at himself and said arrogantly, "My family name is Shi. My brothers call me Mr. James and they also called me bully. I hit the face of Adela, and smashed the signboard of your the XY Entertainment Company. You help Harrison who was a scum. Bah..."

He stepped on the poster and spit on Harrison's face.

The receptionist heard that he was the young master of the family. As soon as her phone reached her ear, it fell to the ground and her legs were weak.

Nobody dared to offend James who had grown up with Mr. John. Anyone who offended him would offend Mr. John.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Mr. James, I didn't mean it." The receptionist apologized in a hurry, squatted down and picked up the phone that screen was broken. She turned around and ran into the company. As soon as she entered, she called Adela.

When Adela came back, James had already left with his bodyguards.

Looking at the mess at the entrance of the company, she was so angry but she dared not to say anything. She could only vent her anger on the employees in the company.

The news soon spread to the North Yard.

In the study, Henry told the whole matter to John. Instead of getting angry, John smiled.

He finally saw James's courage and uprightness.

The Zhu Family enjoyed a high status in LC City. At least, they had to give an explanation. John ordered, "You go to the Zhu Family, comforting them and give them a warning."


The man turned his back to Henry, with his hands on both sides of the table, holding Nina sitting on the chair in his arms, and motioned her to sign the document.

John said gently, "Here, sign my name."

Nina held his pen in her hand. It was really difficult for her to write. She turned around and looked up at John. She could only see his clear jaw line.

"Can I help you sign it?"

"Sign it." John tapped the table with his left finger and asked her to sign it as soon as possible.

Nina thought that she was John's hand now. She could sign it.

Perhaps it was because the man was too close to her that the breath that had just spoken sprayed in her ears. Her heart trembled slightly and her hands trembled as well.

Then she signed her own name on the document by accident out of habit.

"……" When she came to her senses, she had already signed it wrong.

However, John was not angry. He reached out his hand and rubbed her head, pointing at the blank area behind her name. "Sign my name on the back."

Nina was stunned. "Is that okay?"

"Okay." John nodded slightly.

This document was the planning for the old city of the University. When the construction of that place was completed, it would be a gift for her.

In the following days, John had never used his right hand and Nina helped him do anything.

Nina didn't touch the ground either. She was lying on the bed, sitting on the sofa and chair, or hanging on John.

Half a month later.

When Kristina was discharged from the hospital on the weekend, Nina happened to have time to pick her up and drove her back to the Ye's Group in person.

Along the way, Kristina seemed to be frowning.


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