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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 25

In James' eyes, the way that John flirted with Nina was not so good.

However, when James heard this, he was almost moved to death. Henry didn't lie to him. John, who had always been cold and ruthless, only treated Nina differently.

If John and Nina was married, they would have children. And then John would have no time to restrain him.

In order to live a happy life in the future, he planned to do his best. He snatched his uncle's phone and handed it to Nina.

"Nina, look!" He risked his life to get it.

As soon as Nina picked up the phone, she felt a little hot, but she quickly took it.

Since the phone was in her hands, there was no reason not to look at it.

"James!" Mr. John squeezed this word from his teeth and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

The whole billiards hall fell into silence. Everyone looked at James sympathetically.

James' legs became weak. He struggled and blurted out, "Aunt Nina, help me!"

It was silence again. Nina's finger paused. 'Aunt Nina?'

John's eyes narrowed. 'Aunt Nina?'

The whole billiards hall was in an uproar. Everyone was stunned by the words "Aunt Nina".

Nina looked around and didn't see any other women around them. Even if there were women, they were all in the arms of other men.

Who was the Aunt Nina then?

She looked into James' eyes and smiled. "Do you mean I am your aunt?"

"Yes." James nodded. "Didn't John say that only his wife can see his phone?"

Then he winked at her, indicating her to look at the phone in her hand.

"Didn't you snatch it and give me?"

"Isn't it in your hand now?"

Nina didn't say anything. When she came to her senses, she was about to throw the phone away.

How dare James set her up!

John quickly picked up his phone. His anger had quietly receded, and there was a complacent smile on his face.

This brat did the right thing.

"You've already taken my phone. If you still want to throw it away, I'm afraid you can't afford it." Then John put his phone away, his eyes burning.

James was relieved.

Fortunately, he was smart, or he would be the one who was killed today.

Although it was impossible for John to destroy James' whole family, after all, his whole family also included John, it was very likely that John would make James unable to go home forever.

A false alarm, a false alarm.

"Uncle John and Aunt Nina, have a good time. I have something to do and I'm leaving now." Then, James took the opportunity to run away.

"What do you mean by that?" Panic flashed through Nina's eyes and she was about to leave.

This was a place where one will get into trouble easily.

She had checked his phone just now and there was no video. So she would let it go.

"Well, Uncle John, I'm leaving, too. See you. No. Never again." With an embarrassed smile, Nina turned around and was about to run away.

How could she leave so easily?

With a wave of his long arm, John carried Nina on his shoulder, looking calm. He had never realized what was wrong with such a behavior in public.

Didn't John love to save his face the most?

Why did he become a playboy in front of so many people?

"Ah... Let go of me! Let go of me!" Nina screamed. Her red blood was flowing back and her face was as red as a cooked duck.

She had never thought that she would be so angry that she wanted to curse him.

"Shut up!" With a darkened face, John slapped her on the body, making her shut up, and then said to everyone present, "I don't want anyone to know what happened today, otherwise..."

"Yes, Mr. John. Don't worry. This matter will never be spread."


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