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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 28

Henry was shrewd. He pretended not to hear what she said. The car was still running steadily and had no intention of slowing down, but the destination was changed.

Now Mr. John and Mrs. Nina were having a good time. It would be better to drive directly to his private villa.

Seeing the car didn't seem to stop, Nina annoyed and glared at the John and said, "Ask him to stop."

John ignored Nina's words but asked, "What did that sentence mean just now?"

"Which sentence?" Nina said so much just now. Didn't John understand a word?

With anxiety, Nina no longer coveted his appearance. She pushed John away with all her strength.


The car was more spacious suddenly.

John saw the complacent look on her face. If it weren't for the fact that he had purposely withdrawn his strength and followed the direction she was pushing, would she have been able to push him away?

The little girl really didn't know how to be grateful.

But now the most important thing was to understand what she meant just now. "What's the meaning of nothing happened and just a false alarm?"

"What did the Zhang family do to you?" John looked at her seriously.

"What can they do? Someone followed me and was about to tie me up. Isn't this what you want? " Nina sneered, unwilling to look at John again.

This was not what he wanted.

But he didn't know what he wanted.

However, when John heard that the Zhang family had sent someone to follow her, he felt as if he had been violated. His eyes flashed with ferocity and coldness, looking at the endless road ahead.

He didn't even want to fight back when Nina hit him.

The Zhang family still wanted to kidnap her?

Did they think he was dead?

After a long time, John stiffly said two words. "I see."

Then he asked Henry to stop the car and threw Nina on the side of the road.

Before Nina came to her sense in the wind, the car had already left, leaving her alone.

Nina had asked John to stop earlier, but he refused. Now he left her in a desolate place.

This guy deliberately played a trick on her.

But they would never see each other again in future.

It took Nina a long time to get to her apartment by taxi which cost her hundreds of dollars. It was already one o'clock in the morning when she arrived home. She was so tired and immediately fell down to sleep.

It was already morning when she woke up.

There was a professional course of criminal psychology this morning. In the past, it was teacher Qin who took this class, but every two month, Professor Gu, the most powerful expert in criminal psychology, would come and teach a class.

Professor Gu was a famous profile writer of criminal psychology in China. He had a lot of disciples who were working in criminal detection teams all over the country. Professor Gu was also a teacher of Nina.

Nina was the youngest disciple of Professor Gu. Compared with other disciples, she was not good at study and was now studying and practicing hard.

Nina couldn't be absent in Professor Gu's lesson. She was the first one to arrive at the classroom.

Nina sat in the first row. As soon as she took out her book on criminal psychology, she heard steady footsteps behind her.

"Nina." Although Professor Gu had gray hair and short stature, he was strong. With beard on his round face, he smiled kindly.

He looked at Nina kindly, just like grandpa looked at his granddaughter.


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