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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 34

Without knowing what John had done, Nina stood at the roadside and looked at the cars coming and going. She rarely saw taxis, and only a few taxis were parked empty.

Henry was very efficient and did what Mr. John had ordered. All the taxi companies had been bought by John. At this moment, whether driving or changing shifts, every registered taxi driver had received the same message and the same photo.

Nina looked at a taxi from afar and walked over to knock on the window. The driver just put away his phone and rolled down the window.

"Excuse me, I'm going to the LD University." Nina was about to open the door, but she found that she couldn't.

When the taxi driver saw Nina's face, he immediately changed his mind and smiled modestly. "I'm sorry. I've taken the appointment."

"Okay." Without thinking too much, Nina returned to the road.

She stopped several empty cars, but she was refused by different kinds of reasons, and even several people used the same reason.

LC City was the economic center of the country. In such a developed large city, there were different kinds of people, good and bad mixed up. These taxi drivers were all smart. They guessed that this little girl must have offended big shots.

The taxi drivers were all working people living at the bottom of the society. How dare they step in this muddy water? They all avoided it.

Nina had a beautiful face. From a distance, they could see that it was her who waved her hand. Then they drove the cars away from her.

Then she met a taxi driver, who also felt sorry for her. He quietly asked her, "Did you offend someone?"

With a smile, Nina stood up and looked at the taxi in the distance. She thought it should be Isabella or John.

When she was about to find out who it was, a clear horn sounded in her ear. She turned around and saw a Bentley parking not far away from her. The person on the passenger seat was John.

John leaned back slightly and looked at her through the windshield with a faint smile on his lips.

Meanwhile, he stretched out his hand outside the window and hung it down loosely. He even stretched out his hand and hooked her, hinting her to go over.

His white and broad palm was waving in the air. His ring finger and little finger were slightly bent, and the rest three fingers were standing in the sun. His index finger and middle finger moved back and forth slowly, strangely flirting.

Nina turned a blind eye and left.

Seeing that Nina was walking forward, John raised his eyebrows slightly. He would like to see how stubborn she was. Would she really walk back?

It was not a short distance from here to LD University.

"Follow her."

"Yes, sir."

Henry drove slowly, at the speed of a turtle. He followed Nina for a short distance and turned a fork in the road.

"Mr. John, it's not the way toward LD University." Henry wondered, "Where is Nina going?"

John had already found it. There was a large shopping mall and a high street nearby.

'She is going shopping.' With a gentle smile, John stared at the beautiful figure of Nina.

It was not until they saw Nina turn into a 4S store that the smile on John's face gradually stiffened and he sat up straight.

Henry braked and said in disbelief, "Is Nina going to buy a car?"

At this time, Nina had already walked in. John suddenly said in a deep voice, "Cut the crap!"

Looking at the 4S shop in front of her, Nina smiled. She didn't buy a car before because she was afraid that it would be too high-profile to drive at school.

Now that John had done such a thing to her, she could only buy a car by herself.

As soon as she entered, her eyes swept across the SUV area, and finally fixed on a black and magnificent Land Rover.

"I'll take this car and drive it away right now." Nina walked around the car and nodded repeatedly.

The shop assistants didn't pay much attention to Nina because she looked ordinary. When they heard that she was about to drive away, some of them even chuckled.

And then Nina took out a black card from her bag and said calmly, "Swipe it."

As soon as they saw the black card, the shop assistants immediately changed their face and nodded and bowed to take her to go through the formalities. In less than ten minutes, she drove the car away.


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