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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 48

"Well, let me go!" Nina pushed John away with her hands and said angrily, "Why do you always kiss me?"

"Isn't this your oral thanks?" John sat up leisurely and licked his lips subconsciously. There was still a girl's scent on his lips, which was sweet.

"What kind of oral gratitude is this?" Obviously, he was taking advantage of her.

Shame on him!

John smiled that he had received her oral thanks. He drove the car with satisfaction to the HD Square.

On the way, Nina remained silent, and so did John. However, the corners of John couldn't help smiling from time to time, which indicated that he was in a good mood.

At last, Nina broke the silence and asked, "FG is a women's clothing brand. How do you know?"

As far as she knew, he didn't seem to be a man who knew what girls liked, unless he had bought it for other women.

At the thought of this, Nina suddenly felt a little bitter in her mouth. She complained that it must be because of the filthy mouth of John. Resentfully, she took out a bottle of water from her bag and poured it directly into her mouth.

"It's one of the industrial chains of the Shi family." John answered while she was drinking water.

"……" It turned out that she had misunderstood him.

Plop! Plop

She drank up the last half bottle.

But today, after drinking it up, the bitterness in her mouth disappeared, and there was still a trace of sweetness in her mouth.

It was so strange.

FG fashion shop at the tenth floor of HD Square.

It was very busy inside.

A shop assistant was confronting a little girl who was wearing a pink rabbit hoodie.

"If you don't have money, don't enter this shop. Just come in and have a good look. Why do you still touch it? Do you know how expensive this dress is? Fifty-eight thousand. Can you afford it? You're not well-educated at all. " The shop assistant was thin and small but her voice was as loud as a loudspeaker. The roar made Michelle sniff.

Michelle cried not because the assistant scolded her, but because her voice was too loud. She had never been shouted at in such a loud voice before.

"I just touched it. Why am I not well-educated?" Michelle retorted, clenching her fists. She wished she had the vigorous action like Nini.

She must have beaten the assistant up.

The shop assistant went to take out the white dress and held it in front of Michelle. She said in an aggressive tone, "Since you are well-educated, you can buy it after touching it. Fifty-eight thousand. Give me the money."

"If you don't like it, look at the black dot on the dress. This little black dot is stained because you just touched it. If you stained the dress, you must buy it. Otherwise, you can't get out of this door." The shop assistant snorted and stood proudly in front of Michelle.

"No, I didn't. I just touched the corner of this dress. I didn't touch that place. You framed me." Michelle complained with tears in her eyes.

Someone in the crowd whispered, saying that the little girl didn't look like a liar. Someone also said that the little girl and didn't touch the dress at all. When the little girl tried to touch the dress, the shop assistant stopped her from touching.

Hearing these, the shop assistant was a little flustered. She didn't know who touched the dress and left a black dot on it. She was afraid of being scolded by the manager, so she wanted to find a scapegoat.

This little girl looked easy to be bullied, so she just planted it on the girl.

"What are you talking about? Did you see it clearly outside, or did I see it clearly inside? She got the dress dirty. If you don't want me to call the police, you buy the dress. "

"I didn't make it dirty. I won't buy it." Michelle didn't want to be the scapegoat. She turned her head away and wept with grievance, then stubbornly raised her hand to wipe tears off.

The shop assistant threatened her angrily, "Then I'll call the police and the police will take you away. Let's see if you are ashamed."

She didn't believe that she couldn't threaten a little girl.

Hearing that she was going to call the police, Michelle hesitated.

"In that case, let's call the police." A cold voice came from outside the shop.


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