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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 57

Nina knew that John would do what he said. He would definitely deduct the boy's credit.

Although she didn't know that classmate, she was grateful that he could come out to cover her at this time.

She couldn't be so ungrateful.

"Teacher, I have something to say." Nina's clear and pleasant voice attracted everyone's attention. Students and the boy who had helped her all looked back at her.

Nina nodded gratefully to the boy. The boy's face turned red all of a sudden. He touched his head with embarrassment. Someone beside him teased him, "The campus belle smiled at you. It seems that your spring has come. Boy, the hero saves the beauty is really effective."

Although they talked in a low voice, Nina also heard that. Nina frowned slightly and felt it was nothing serious. She was used to all kinds of ridicule.

However, John was not used to hearing this. It means that he dislike hearing this.

When he heard someone say that the hero saved the beauty, John thought the boy was like a bear and dared to covet his little girl.

If they were in any other place, John would have thrown the boy out to feed the dogs. But here was school. He was in class, and now he was still a famous teacher.

John could only hide his anger in his heart.

"If you have something to say, just say it after class. Class begins. " Although his voice was calm, there was a hint of order in his voice. He was born to be the one who gave orders. No one here was allowed to question and the class began.

Nina could only shut her mouth and stand there quietly attending the lecture about the art of war by master Sun and practical use.

John was good at giving examples. Because he had been in the business for many years and all his cases were easy to handle and his logic was meticulous.

The students listened carefully. Nina even heard someone whispering that the lesson John taught was more interesting and easier to understand than Professor Fu.

Nina agreed in her heart and listened carefully for ten minutes. But she was really sleepy. She hadn't had a good sleep recently, so she slowly moved a small step and leaned against the wall, half closed her eyes.

She squinted and didn't know when the class was over. She just felt the buzzing conversation and the footsteps of thousands of soldiers.

"Campus Belle, class is over."

Nina was woken up by a boy's voice. She opened her sleepy eyes and saw a boy with a simple smile on his face. He was the one who covered her.

"Hello, classmate. Thank you for covering for me today." Nina came to her senses and bowed slightly with an elegant smile as a sign of gratitude.

In fact, she really felt sorry for him. His credit was deducted and he could only restart it next year.

"No, nothing." The boy's face turned a little red, and he was so shy that he didn't even dare to look into Nina's eyes.

Nina had never seen such a shy boy. He was pure and beautiful. She promised him, "don't worry. I will try my best to make the teacher not deduct your credits. After all, it's not your fault. It's..."

It was John. There was no need to call the roll, this man did this on purpose.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you don't lose your credits, I'll make up the course next year." The boy liked Nina more. She was not only beautiful, but also gentle.

Nina could tell from his expression that he had a crush on her. Perhaps it was because of her beautiful face.

"Classmate, i..." She left first.

"Self criticism!"

Before Nina could finish her words, John came to her side and said coldly.

"Teacher, campus belle, I'm leaving now." The boy ran away as soon as he saw the teacher.

After watching him leave, Nina breathed a sigh of relief. However, John thought that Nina was unwilling to separate from the boy. John became more angry and stared at Nina with sullenness.

"Write, I'll write it immediately." Nina said sourly, but she couldn't find the paper and pen. Actually, she didn't bring them.


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