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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 71

"Get in the car." John still spoke in a commanding tone, staring straight ahead without looking at anyone.

Nina was confused. He should have agreed to have dinner with the three people?

Why did John become so easy-going recently?

Although she was confused, she pointed at her black Land Rover and said, "We can drive by ourselves."

John looked in the direction where Nina pointed and saw the Land Rover. The car was now parking on the roadside. John narrowed his eyes.

How dare a mere car show off in front of him.

"Get in the car." John just spoke four words. His eyes revealed an irresistible deterrent.

Nina didn't want to have any conflict with him, so she nodded. "In that case, it's more convenient for me to take your car with Noah. I'll tell him."

John kept silence, Nina thought he acquiesced and turned to walk towards Noah.

At the moment when Nina turned around, a light suddenly flashed across John's peaceful eyes. He gently raised his lips, as if he was brewing a conspiracy.

"Noah, let's go to have dinner by sitting John's car? It's more convenient. " At first, she respected Noah, because he was a policeman. After Noah gave her a lollipop, Nina felt more familiar with Nina.

Although her first friend in her life, Isabella, really made her feel disappointed. But she still met Michelle and the silly boy James, which made her believe the affection between people.

"John?" She directly called him John? Didn't Mr. John blame her?

He even appeared at the gate of the police station and personally came to pick up Nina.

That man was Mr. John, a man who made people afraid.

"Is there anything wrong with this name?" Noticing his inquiring eyes, Nina asked in doubt.

Noah's thoughts were pulled back. His eyes fell into the perplexed eyes of Nina from John's car.

"No. But won't he mind if we take his car? " Not everyone could get on Mr. John's car.

As far as he could remember, Mr. John was very quiet. No one was allowed to touch his belongings except his family. Otherwise, the people who touched his things would be in danger.

"He doesn't mind." She didn't know how many times she had taken his car. For several times, he had asked her to take his car, and he even made an acquisition of all taxi to threaten her.

Fortunately, she was smart enough to buy a car.

Looking at the Land Rover Nina had personally chosen, Nina was extremely happy when she thought that she had driven past John with a swagger.

John was also watching the Land Rove. His long and narrow black eyes were filled with schemes.

After thinking for a while, Noah nodded in agreement.

The two walked away side by side. Noah greeted respectfully, "Mr. John."

John even didn't give him an indifferent look. Nina curled her lips, indicating that Noah shouldn't care too much. John always treated people like this.

It was good enough. Unlike her, she was always attacked secretly and stared at coldly by him.

"Let's get in the car." When Nina was about to reach out to open the door of the back seat, John keenly aware of her action. Before her hand could reach out completely, John opened his mouth and ordered, "Passenger seat."

Nina stopped. Under the silent gaze of John, she turned around and sat in the passenger seat.

As soon as Nina got in the car and closed the door, she heard the sound of starting the engine.


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