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You Are The Trouble I'm In novel Chapter 38

"Don't worry. Anyway, I'm Miss Selina. If anyone dares to deal with me, my family will protect me." As soon as Selina finished her words, she suddenly realized that it was because of Armani's father's death that she had been forced into such a situation. She immediately said, "Armani, I didn't mean to say that."

"I know. I won't mind it." After a short pause, Armani said tentatively, "If you have the chance to see Albert,"

"What?" In an instant, there was a gust of wind on the phone. Selina quickly stood up and closed the window. When she came back, she asked, "What's wrong? The wind was so strong just now that I didn't hear it clearly. "

"Nothing." "I'm going to work in XU Group in the future. I'm afraid I don't have time to look for you."

"It doesn't matter. As long as you are safe there, everything will be fine." Selina was a little worried.

Armani replied with smile, "I'm just not happy. What can happen to me? I have to prepare the work materials. "

After hanging up the phone, she looked out of the window at the bright sky, but her heart ached.

It was going to rain in J city.

If there hadn't been an accident on K, she might be drinking with Jacob in the wine manor at the moment. They would talk about something interesting although it was ordinary. Drinking those strange wine and enjoying the beauty of the world.

But now, she had left J city without saying goodbye. She had planned to ask for the help of Selina. If Selina saw him by the side of Albert, she would inform him. If he still wanted to find Armani, at least Selina would tell him where she was.

But Armani could imagine that for a mysterious and unpredictable man, she was more like a person for him to amuse and explore.

She had never uncovered his mask, and knew the real him, why should she hand over the most real herself.

When K was released, he was in a bad condition. He walked out of the prison with a trembling body. A car stopped in front of him, and Armani immediately got out of the car to support K.

There was a bruise on the corner of his mouth. He had thought that he would stay there for ten days and a half months. He didn't expect that he would be released on the third day and it was Armani who came to pick him up in person.

"Armani, why are you here?" K was limping, but when he saw Armani, he immediately straightened his body and pretended to be completely fine. However, before Armani got off the car, she had seen the distorted walking posture of K through the window.

Seeing the depressed look on Armani's face, K quickly smiled and said, "I sprained my ankle when I was exercising inside. It's not a big deal."

"I heard that you were here, so I came to have a look. Get in the car and I'll drive you back to DS Nightclub." Armani said calmly.

K said with a bitter face, "I don't want to go to DS Nightclub first, or they will think that something is wrong with me if they see me. I have always been prosperous in the club. Even if I want to go there, I should dress up before going."

"Okay, as you wish." said Sally with a smile.


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