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You Are The Trouble I'm In novel Chapter 40

"Miss Armani, K's figure is actually not bad. Do you want to have a look?" Someone shouted at Armani.

K glared at them and said, "What are you doing? What if Armani don't like me anymore when she see my imperfect figure? "

"Come on! Miss Armani won't abandon you. Don't be shy." Everyone burst into laughter.

However, when they saw the large bruises and bloodstains on K's body, no one could laugh.

"It's okay. I was kicked twice and hit the wall." Seeing that the atmosphere turned heavy, K quickly muttered and was about to stand up, but was pressed down by David to prevent him from moving.

"All right. It's just a bruise. I'll be fine after resting. I've suffered more serious injuries than this. It's not a big deal." K said indifferently.

"Stop it. Apply some medicine first." There was a medical kit in DS Nightclub. Someone immediately took it and pressed K to apply medicine to it.

"Fuck! Did you do it on purpose? It hurts! I'm going to be tortured to death by you!" K exclaimed in the crowd, and the others laughed. "Didn't you say that all the bruises don't hurt?" "You are a tough man. You must be strong in front of Miss Armani." "Yeah! Home on" K's colleagues said.

Not knowing when, David sat next to Armani and asked worriedly, "Miss Armani, is K all right now? Will Ben make trouble for him again? "

Obviously, he was still afraid of this matter.

It was certain that Ben would make trouble for K again. If he intended to make trouble for K, it would be very simple. He could just send two people here to make trouble, and then take the opportunity to cause a quarrel and scold K. If Kevin protected K, the two people would make a big fuss and say that he could not protect K every time. Ben could always send people to the club and do something bad.

If a person was mean and rich, he could come up with many bad ideas that were appalling.

"That's why I'm here." Said Armani flatly.

"Boss." A greeting came from the door. Kevin nodded and walked in. Wearing a smart and capable suit, he frowned and seemed to be in a bad mood. But when he looked up and saw Armani who was drinking in front of him, he was stunned. Then he immediately squeezed out a smile and said, "Miss Armani, you're here."

"Mr. Kevin, of course I have something to tell you." Said Armani.

Sensing the hostility in her words, Kevin also guessed that she came for K, so he said, "Well, come to my office please."

There were only the two of them in the office. Kevin asked, "What would you like to drink? I'll ask them to buy it."

"There's no need. You are smart. You should know why I came here." Said Armani flatly.

Chapter 40 Not Afraid 1


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