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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 14

I walked with Bell as she bounced up and down excited for the Training session.

“Why are you dressed like that? I thought that the Alpha guy wants only me to train” I asked confused to see her wearing pink tank top with black fit slacks and her black canvas.

“I know but I want to join in too” an said clapping her hands in excitement.

I chuckled seeing her act like a kid but nodded anyways.

Finally, we reached the Gym room and I could hear some noises coming from inside it. Noises of someone punching a Sandbag, noises of shoes making sounds on the floor, noises of shouting or counting numbers.

We barged in through the door and the first thing that I saw was the ring in the middle of the room. There were already two large bulky man wearing shorts and sleeveless tee fighting with each other. Something irked me. The two man while fighting, were making some sounds from their mouth.

Those Sounds were familiar to me. I have heard that sounds from dogs. When I was being trained with dogs, usually they would produce such kinds of sounds when they were angry or pissed.

Why the fuck are they behaving like dogs?

“Okay that’s enough” we heard a voice speak and looked around to see a Man with French beard and tattooed arms standing near the ring commanding both of the man to stop.

The two man bowed and instantly jumped out of the ring.

“C’mon let’s go” Bell told me sounding restless to go in their.

“Relax Tiger” I told her and we both walked to the center towards the man.

I could feel stares on me. Literally, everyone present in the Gym room stopped doing whatever they were doing and now they were doing only one thing. Eyeing us with confusion evident on their faces.

“That’s Luna right?” I heard someone whisper.

“Yes what is she doing here?” Another one spoke.

“Ssh keep quiet. Didn’t Alpha told us to b-” his words couldn’t reach my ears when I concentrated on the man standing before us.

Gosh! He was so tall. Maybe 6′4 or something. He looked like he could kill anyone with just a snap of his finger. Anybody in my place would’ve been scared shitless.

I composed myself and gave him a smile. I was absolutely shocked as well as surprised when he returned back the smile of his own and reached for my hand for a handshake.

“Well I shouldn’t be judgmental” I reminded myself.

“Hello Luna I am your Trainer” he spoke and I nodded.

“My name is Aderyn not Luna” I corrected him to which he nodded hesitantly eyeing Bell who just shrugged her shoulders.

“Okay Aderyn, you can call me Train. Everyone in here calls me Train as I’m the trainer here” he spoke and I nodded.

“Okay Train you can also call me Adie. Everyone does” I told him and he nodded smiling.

“So Lets get you inside the ring and let’s not waste anymore time” he told me and I nodded climbing and jumping inside the ring.

“So?” He asked and I raised an eyebrow questioning him back “So what?”

“Do you anything about fighting?”

I paused a little and bit down on my inner side of my lips and shooked my head negatively.

“Okay?as expected Uh let’s start from the beginning then” he told me and I nodded.

“We will start from Defense. You need to Defend yourself from your enemy. If you find yourself comparisionably weak against your enemy then the only thing which could save you is Defense” he told and I rubbed the back of my neck uninterested.

Seriously I have to Defend myself now?

I never believed upon Defense because for me I am always the attacker. I loved to attack.

“Adie! Are you listening?” He asked and I found myself zoned out. I nodded and smiled sheepishly at him mouthing him a quiet “Sorry”.

“Adie please be attentive” he told me and I nodded.

“Okay so let’s start” he said coming towards me.

“First let’s think me as your enemy. So tell me what would you have done if I attacked you?” He asked me and I raised an eyebrow thinking.

“Attack me?” I thought to myself. Nobody asked me this type of question earlier. Hence, I am confused right now.

“I would uh run” I told him unsure which caused laughter eruption from the Gym room. The people present in the Gym room found this funny.

I gave them a sarcastic laugh and crossed my arms across my chest.

“Okay? It’s true actually normally it’s Fight or Flight. So you chose flight” he told me and I nodded.

“But you need to learn how to fight. You won’t be getting opportunities every time for running away. So, putting up a good fight will be better” he told me and I sighed keeping my hands on my hips.

“Okay so let’s begin” he spoke and began to teach me the basics.


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