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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 23

Aderyn pov

I could feel myself getting back to my senses but it was hard for me to open my eyes. It was like I couldn’t open them. As if I didn’t have any control over my receptors.

Though my eyes were closed, I could still sense and feel what was going around me. I felt something wet placed on my forehead and someone touching my cheek. I could feel tingles wherever I was being touched.

I wanted to look at the person but soon myself getting back to slumber and I slipped into darkness.

My eyes fluttered open and immediately I felt my eyes squinting adjusting with the light. I was feeling good now. I tried to look around but found something wet on my forehead. My forehead creased in confusion as I slowly used my hand to reach the thing which was on my forehead.

I touched something wet and when I pulled it of my forehead I found it as a cloth. I groaned and tried to get up but something was stopping me from doing so. I looked towards my right and was shocked to find a figure sleeping next to my bed on the chair.

It was no other than Dylan.

Oh my God! What was he doing here?

I noticed his hand tangled with mine right hand as he held it as if his life depended on it. He was sleeping soundly. Though I doubt him to be comfortable on that wooden chair still his feature seemed calm as he held my hand.

His hair was a mess. I notice he was wearing a black slacks with a white shirt. His face was void of expression as he was sleeping still he looked little tensed.

I pulled myself up and rested myself against the headboard.

What happened?

I tried to remember what happened and how I reached this bed. I closed my eyes and tried to remember. I was feeling dizzy. I took a bath then I walked out of the bathroom and then I fell on the ground.

“That reminds me” I panicked muttering to myself.

“Who changed me?” I questioned to go one in particular as I eyes my dress. I was changed into a white shirt and white loose pants.

I looked towards Dylan panicked.

“Did he?”

“No he didn’t. He wouldn’t do that” I spoke to myself.

“You are awake” I heard a husky voice and I looked to my right to find Dylan already awake looking at me intently.

“How are you feeling now?” He asked as he got up from his seat and came to me. He sat on the edge of the bed and surprising me he reached his hand to touch my forehead. I shivered due to his touch and the sparks that flew through our body was electrifying.

“Thank God your temperature is down” he spoke softly as he didn’t pull his hand off me instead he trailed it down to my neck placing it there.

“You had a fever. You passed out and fell on the floor senseless” he spoke his words filled with worriedness.

“Thank to the Lords I reached here on time. Why are you so careless? You should’ve taken care of yourself” and he was back to scolding.

He trailed his fingers up and placed his rough but big palm against my cheek.

“You got me worried there” he spoke softly now.

His fingers lingered on my cheek for some seconds then he pulled away and I began to miss his touch very disturbingly.

“Who did that to you Aderyn?” He asked out of nowhere. He looked serious now.

“What?” I spoke and found my voice hoarse and I was dying for water.

As if knowing it, Dylan stretched his hand out and gave me a glass of water to drink. I took it gratefully and gulped it down my throat feeling relieved.

I gave the glass back to Dylan as he kept it aside on the night stand and stared back at me.

“Now back to the topic, who did that to you Aderyn?” He asked again and I stared back at him confused.

“Who did what?” I asked confused.

“Aderyn” he sighed “the doctor changed your clothes and at informed me that you had fever but apart from that she showed me your back which had faint marks like someone whipped you” he told me and I looked towards the other side.

“I don’t know what you are talking about” I blurted out

He held my chin between his fingers and made me look back at him.

“I just want to know who did that to you Aderyn. Just tell me” he spoke softly.

I pulled away from his touch and looked the other way “I don’t want to talk about this”.

“And why is that?” He asked as his tone sounded irritation and frustration.

“I just don’t want to speak about it” I told him as I crossed my arms across my chest.

“What is wrong with you? Why are always like this? You could at least tell me what happened to you” he asked frustrated.

“I don’t want to share anything” I blurted out angrily and this time he held my arms angrily which made me look at him.


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