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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 25

Aderyn Pov

I found myself in darkness. I was surrounded by pitch black balls and I couldn’t quite recognize where I was. I was just lost and trapped. No matter where I looked I found myself lost and alone.

Though I was alone I found myself in peace. Somehow I do not want to get out of this place. As if, someone read my thoughts the place where I was still standing began to change and I found myself going somewhere. I looked around when the place changed completely and I found myself in my.. past?

I looked around to see a family taking a family picture outside of a house while a little version of me was fighting with my elder brother Ryan for sitting with my Mom.

That was the best memory I had.

Flashback 15 years old Aderyn.

Everything was just going perfect. I got good grades from my School. I loved my younger sister Nancy who was only Three years old and I was pampered and loved by my older brother Ryan who 21 years old.

My family was perfect. Everything was perfect.

“Honey Sleep now. It was just a dream sweetheart” My mom cooed and tried to relax me with her soothing words.

“Mom you stay here till I sleep” I whined as I held her thigh and she smiled down at me and sat at the edge of the bed.

I just woke up shouting and panting. I saw a dream where I found myself alone. Whoever I called, they all faded away in my dream. I hated living alone and the fact that I was alone made me panicked.

“Of course Sweetheart! I’m always here for you” she patted my cheeks and hummed a lullaby which she hummed for Nancy.

“Mom?” I asked now sounding sleepy.

“When is Ryan going to return back?” I asked sleepily.

“He will be back soon baby” my Mom said and hummed again. Soon I slipped into darkness.

I groaned waking up, hearing some sounds. Someone was shouting.

What was going on?

I got up from the bed and made my way to the door. It was still dark outside. I checked my watch to find its only four in the morning.

Turning the door knob, I got out of my room and slowly made my way towards the staircase.

“What are you doing here Ryan?” I peeped a little to see what was going on.

I found Ryan standing near the sofa with a hardened expression looking at Dad who was talking while Mom was sobbing sitting on the sofa.

Ryan looked different, he had some facial hair and he looked muscular.

It had been a year since I last saw Ryan. Mom told me that he joined some job and he is not going to be back soon.

I was so excited seeing him that I was ready to jump the staircase and run to him but his next words stopped me from doing so.

“Just come with me to the Agency and I will leave” he spoke coldly to Dad.

“I told you I have left all that and I don’t want to do anything with the Agency and you how dare come here after you left your family, us all for all-” my Dad was cut off by him who looked beyond angry now “This is not my Family. You all are not my family” he screamed.

My eyes widened hearing this. What is wrong with him?

“After Killing my parents you adopted me thinking that I will be your son and you will remorse what you did to me but you were so wrong. The agency told me everything. So now, you better stop this nonsense” he hissed his eyes were bloodshot red.

“Ryan I am really sorry for what I did to your parents but it was my work. The agency told you that I killed them then why didn’t you ask What was the reason for me of killing them?” my Dad spoke his voice low regretfully.

“The Agency gave me the order to kill them. It was all there work not mine. This is the reason why I left the Agency. It is no good for us Ryan try to understand” my Dad tried to touch Ryan but he jerked away and glared at Dad.

“I don’t know all this. I only know that you” he pointed a finger towards my Dad “were the one who killed my real parents”.

“Did we never loved you? Was we torturing you that you turned so easily against us?” my Mom spoke for the first time sobbing.

“Just come to me to the Agency. You can’t leave the Agency” Ryan hissed at Dad ignoring mom.

“No. I am not going back anywhere” my Dad spoke and I made my way downstairs.

“Then prepare to die” I stopped on my tracks near the window of the stairs when I heard Ryan speaking those words.

“W-What? You will kill me?” My Dad spoke dumbstruck.

“Yes. I have to. That’s my work and the Agency told me to do so” he spoke icily.

“I can’t believe I called you my Son. I was so prou-” my Dad stopped his voice trembling probably because he was hurt.

“I am not going anywhere and you” my Dad spoke angrily “Get out of my house”.

“I warned you” I heard Ryan taking a sigh and the front door closing with a bang. He was gone.

I was so shocked hearing this. First of all I found Ryan wasn’t my brother. Top to that Dad killed someone. Dad was a murderer?

Thirdly, Dad worked for some Agency? But what Agency? I thought he was a Boxing Instructor.

Unknowingly I found my cheeks wet. I was really hurt but at the same time disappointed for keeping me in dark.

I took a step down and was fully in front of the window and I looked outside to find everything dark.


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