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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 93

“I won’t cum inside. And you shouldn’t take the pill. It harms the body. If you get pregnant, just carry it to term. I’ll marry you anyway.” Gu Mingchen said with confidence before he kissed her.

Bai Rong was on guard against a matter like this. “Then let’s wait until we’re married.”

“Fine.” Gu Mingchen noticed her insistence. For her body’s sake, he took the condom from the cabinet.

Bai Rong was touched by how caring he was, so she made a move herself. The woman held his sturdy waist with her legs and pulled him closer.

Gu Mingchen wasn’t someone who only cared about his own fun. The man would observe all her changes in expression. After they came together, he kissed her, almost melting her in his own charm.

They woke up early next morning and had breakfast in the restaurant beside them.

“I managed to steal Tangqian Village’s records last night, chief. They did have 108 villagers.” Chen Zhi reported.

“Either the casualty was fake, or someone isn’t a local of Tangqian Village. Now that we know someone is still alive, let’s go there after breakfast to do a recce of the place first,” Gu Mingchen said.

The group of three went to the village right after breakfast. When their car couldn’t proceed any further, they walked down the path.

Gu Mingchen and Chen Zhi had one big backpack each, while Bai Rong carried her own. She had put on a pair of sport shoes today and followed them to the village.

The path ended not long after. What stood before them was a big mountain. Once again, Gu Mingchen consulted the map.

“What’s wrong?” Bai Rong asked worriedly.

Gu Mingchen frowned. “The map doesn’t show this mountain here.”

“If the local government can even fake the map, they can doctor everything.” Bai Rong said helplessly.

“Let’s get through this mountain first.” Gu Mingchen turned around. “Get back to the car with Chen Zhi, Rong. I’ll go alone.”

“Don’t worry about me. I went around doing outdoor activities a lot. Although it is not possible for me to be on par with you two, I don’t think there would be any problem for me to get through this.” Bai Rong wanted to go with him.

“Sure, let’s go then.”

The mountain was taller than they had thought. Right after they got through one, another one waited for them. Only after they finished hiking three mountains did they see the village sleeping in the mountains.

“Is that Tangqian Village?” Bai Rong looked at the village not far from them.

“I don’t know. The map doesn’t say. Let’s check it out.” Gu Mingchen said.

Then they came down from the mountain.

“This place is cut off from the rest of the world. Nobody can come in and it’s near impossible for the villagers to go out. If a breakout did happen here, it wouldn’t get past these mountains.” Bai Rong looked around her.

Gu Mingchen stepped on an already rotting piece of wood that had the name ‘Tangqian Village’ on it.

“We’re here.” Gu Mingchen looked around him.

Thanks to the years of neglect, the farms were now overgrown with weeds. Even the houses had weeds in them. The whole village was eerily silent.


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