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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 94

Bai Rong did not wish to be a burden to the investigation process and wanted to make some contributions. Even though the men were not around, she continued searching the room for clues. When she didn’t find anything weird with the room, she searched the bedroom again. She crouched down to look underneath the bed but couldn’t see anything as it was too dark. Bai Rong flashed the torchlight at the dark space and noticed that there was a floorboard under it.

She knocked on it and it sounded hollow. Bai Rong felt excited. There’s a tunnel down there. Maybe there’s something in it.

After prying the floorboard open, she noticed that there was a ladder leading downward. She didn’t dare to go down, for fear that there might be something down there that would harm her. The woman wanted to wait for Gu Mingchen and Chen Zhi to come back before going in there.

After ten minutes or so, someone jumped out of the tunnel. It was a woman.

The woman frowned at Bai Rong, then she looked at the tunnel again. “Get in.” She ordered.

Bai Rong didn’t want to, but the woman took out a gun. “I don’t want to hurt you, but if this misfires, don’t blame me.”

Bai Rong took a look at the gun which was pointing at her and had no choice but to get in.

The woman snatched Bai Rong’s phone and placed it in her bag. She then tied Bai Rong to a wooden pillar and sealed her mouth with a black tape. A moment later, the woman started packing her things up.

Bai Rong saw that there were a few hundred thousand in cash in her bag, as well as some guns and simple clothing.

After the woman slung her bag over her back, she looked at Bai Rong. “Judging from your clothing, the way you behave and the way you look, you are not a soldier.”

Bai Rong looked at her quietly.

The woman smiled. “When I came here four years ago, I met Tang Xiaojiu. He’s the village head’s son, and the only survivor here. Coincidentally, on the day that murder happened, a little girl from another village came here to visit her grandfather, so the murderers were not aware that there was a survivor in this village.”

Murder? Bai Rong frowned in shock. Since her mouth was sealed, she couldn’t speak.

“Don’t worry. I’ll tell you everything I know. The villagers here are really simple people. They dug up a chest one day, and there were a thousand gold bars inside.”

A thousand? Gu Mingchen said there were only a hundred.

“The internet says the governor had a hundred of them. That wasn’t all he took. He must have given some away and wouldn’t have more than two hundred bars in his possession.” She continued.

Bai Rong looked at the woman in disbelief.

The woman smiled at her as if she had seen through Bai Rong. “You must be wondering about the whereabouts of the rest of the bars.”

Bai Rong nodded.

“I don’t know either. Tang Xiaojiu’s father went to see the mayor back then. He must have brought someone here. I can tell you that this genocide couldn’t have been done by Governor Cheng alone. In other words, he was not the only culprit. According to the ratio of the gold that was split, there were at least five of them. And there must be those who were more powerful than Governor Cheng. Oh right, there was also a treasure map along with the chest. They said the gold bars were just a tiny fraction of the real treasure.”

Bai Rong was even more shocked. But when she thought about it, that wasn’t impossible. The village was surrounded by mountains, so news couldn’t travel as fast. Governor Cheng must have been overcome by greed when he saw the gold bars. Since a tiny fraction of it was already hundreds of millions, the real treasure would be worth much more.


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