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Young Lord of The Dragon Sect novel Chapter 1

“Young lord, it's been four years and it's time for you to go back. The Dragon Lord asked me to take you back to the Dragon Sect.”

“The Dragon Sect is now in trouble with internal turmoil and external threats. The Dragon Lord is seriously ill and the Eldest Young lord, your brother is still in a coma. Only you can lead the Dragon Sect now.”

A Rolls Royce Phantom was parked outside the door of the Supreme Beauty SPA, and a senior man was standing by the door, talking to Maximilian who was serene and calÌm.

Samuel was dressed in a British suit, with a black gentleman cap and carried a black and gold cane.

"It has been four years, and he still had me in his mind.”

Maximilian faintly sneered, and his eyes were silent, with no illusions about the Dragon Sect long ago.

"When my father listened to that woman and ruthlessly drove my mother and me out of the Dragon Sect because | was his illegitimate son, a bastard in their minds!During all these years, has he ever cared about my mother or me?”

“Now, | have to go back when he summons me? Am lI, Maximilian, a dog of the Dragon Sect?

Am I the one who should always follow their orders?”

“I have my own family. | don't need anyone's pity, especially the Dragon Sectl

Go back and leave me alone!”

Maximilian said in a cold voice, stepping away and turning around to enter the SPA shop, leaving Samuel at the door with a sigh.

Dragon Sect, the world's number one mysterious organization in charge of top medical, mineral, and other resources is the richest and the powerful organization in the world! As the most ancient family with the longest heritage, no one dared to mess with it!

Within the Dragon Sect, the leader of the sect was the Dragon Lord, and under his command, there are eight Dragon Kings, each ruled one section of the world, with immeasurable wealth and power!

And the world's supreme Fighting masters and Kung Fu Masters were all disciples of the Dragon Sect, and they took orders from the Dragon Lord!

Maximilian opened the door and a bunch of employees from the SPA shop looked at him with strange eyes.

Maximilian, who worked for four years in the shop, was a completely insignificant person.

Now he could actually talk to someone coming in a Rolls Royce car, that is incredible......

Maximilian had only taken a few steps when the phone in his pocket buzzed and vibrated.

lt was from his wife, Victoria.

“Hey, honey, what's up?“Maximilian asked with a smile.

Victoria was a notorious beauty, ranked first among the four goddesses in H City.

Of course, now when people talked about Victoria, it came with a sneer, mocking her for marrying a loser who was nothing!

“Maximilian! Come to the City People's Hospital now! Something has happened to Sissit''

On the other end of the phone, Victoria's voice seemed anxious.

“OK! I'll be there soom!”

Without hesitation, Maximilian spoke to the Manager and ran out of the door at a gallop. He rode his electric bike to the hospital at the top speed.

The Griffith family was a second-rate gentry in H City, Chuzhou. Four years ago, Maximilian met Victoria by accident and married into the Griffith family.

At that time, his wedding with Victoria was a sensation among the gentiles in H City, because it was the poorest wedding they had even seen.

Maximilian was a poor boy with no background.

As a result, the Griffith family had become a laughing stock in the gentry families of H City.

For four years, Maximilian had lived carefully in the Griffith family, and even if he was sneered at and treated badly, he had endured it all.

A son-in-law who joined the family naturally had to be well aware of everything in the family.

What's more, Maximilian needed the Griffiths support because his mother needed money to cure her illness.

At the entrance of the hospital, Maximilian met Victoria, who had been waiting for a long time. She was in a fit of anger and looked anxious.

When she saw Maximilian coming, her face was cold as she walked towards him, raising her hand. Pop!

A crisp slap, which resounded in front of this hospital, drew the attention of passers-by.

"Why do you come so late?”

Victorias big cloudy wave-like eyes were shining with tears and her eyes were full of anger!

Maximilian faintly froze, looking at his wife, and asked eagerly.


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